Does anyone know much about trying to publish a song? In this case a "Christmas song," but one that arguably should not be considered only seasonal, like "Joy to the World" and "Immanuel;" but a Christmas song because that's just when any events about Jesus as a baby or a young child are considered appropriate. But perhaps more the point, I am a non-musician, have never studied music, unless you count a year of piano lessons, and I don't play any instrument with any competence at all except the harmonica, by ear.
The song is another one about the visit of the "magi" [wise men], but unlike the classical "We Three Kings," this is longer, more scriptural, and has a hard-hitting melody that just seemed to come to me as I was thinking about the subject of this thread.
In the land whence we come we were counted among the wise.
We spent most all of our night gazing high up into the skies.
But never had we seen before
This light untold in all our lore.
But we knew of a scroll we consulted that raised our eyes.
We travel long and beladen with gifts that are fit for a king.
We journey far to the west toward the Great One, his praise to bring.
We come just once in our quest for the Keeper of Peace,
Who will reign so that conflict within us will cease.
To the God of us all, may we ever his praises sing!
I did write another song years ago, in which I was able to figure out the chords on a keyboard, and I am just literate enough musically to write out the notes, rests, et al, if it would be necessary. But has anyone ever published a song before and knows some of the ropes?