And Lot should have stayed in Sodom.
See, here's the deal: Zaac is making the same error that Evangelist (up in the Baptists Only forums) makes. He isn't recognizing that there is a "body" of Christians; and that each part of the body has its special gifts, talents, and purpose.
He's also forgetting that repentence is turning away from sin; and that in order to turn away from sin, there must be something to turn to. And while we're turning from sin to God, in our daily lives we also need those things that help us fulfill Philippians 4 (think on these things) ... and that requires things like strong Awanas programs, and a strong local assembly to bring the lost and recently saved into, so that they may become sharpened iron.
Constant swimming in the cesspool just keeps you covered in sewage. Throwing a gallon of clean water in the cesspool initially adds clean water, but gets mixed in. Until we have just as much, or more, clean water to combat the sewage, we need other sources where we can get cleaned up once in a while. But let's face it: there will always be fewer Christians. We already know from scripture that broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.
Zaac's accusation, however, seems to indicate that he thinks the cesspool is the church itself. That, however, leads to a discussion about the "universal church" rather than the body. Not understanding the difference seems to be the crux of why Zaac continues to rail against those here who try to convince him of his error regarding them. Until we learn to utilize the gifts and purposes of each of the members of the entire body, we will continue to make the mistake of thinking that there's one way to solve the problem. Understand, there is only one solution: God. But He, in His infinite wisdom, gave some to be teachers, some to be apostles, and others to other purposes to each be used in their different ways to bring people to the one solution.
Saul was converted when a light shone from heaven; the Ethiopian was saved when someone explained the scripture to him. Different methods, same result.
Embrace the diversity, not just of God's creation, but of His ways.