Poor Zaac. Can't actually refute what I wrote, so has to resort to ad hominem.As usual, the all-knowing Don (AKD) likes to tell the world what Zaac thinks and the AKD is wrong 100% of the time.
Just more excuses. God said to GO. He didn't say go and get them and bring them back to your lil protected environment .
Yall and these darn programs that you think are a legitimate excuse to disobey because you think the SBC way is better than God's way.
Some in the church seem to have fashioned their own cesspools that they simply can't smell because their noses are so far in the air. The lil cesspool that you think isn't a cesspool is. You just got a bunch of snobbish Christians surrounded by a bunch of other incredibly snobbish Christians telling each other that their sin no longer stinks. Amazingly the non-Christians rarely want of that cesspool because it smells like their cesspool.
So somebody please tell the AKD that we're to be IN their cesspool because that's where they are.
If he had actually read what I wrote with a modicum of understanding, he'd have realized that I encouraged the feet to go, the hands to serve, the mouth to preach and pray, the arms to hug and comfort, the back and shoulders to bear the burden....
But it's easier to say "MY way is better than yours," rather than actually encourage tolerance and acceptance. Or, as scripture put it so much better than I ever could: And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honor.
Y'all just keep on keepin' on. If Zaac ends up with more crowns than any of the rest of us on judgment day, I'll shout out some loud hosannas and "Amen's", and then we'll all sit together at His feet.