ToB, Landmarkism and Successionism are basically ahistorical revisionism.
1. Most history that I have seen is Catholic revisionism.
2. How many times have I repeated that there are historical mistakes in the Trail of Blood?
3. Personally I am not a Landmarkist, and I don't think that you know what one is either.
4. Neither am I a successionist, but I have already told you that.
You fail on all of the above. So what is your point?
The line of argument is as follows

1) Catholicism and Orthodoxy are not and cannot possibly ever have been Christian,
Right. It is an impossibility. Compare them with the churches at Philippi, Ephesus, Thessalonica, Antioch, and other churches that Paul started on his three missionary journeys. How do they compare to those churches? They fail miserably. They are unlike those churches in every possible way. Yet most of our Baptist churches are patterened after the NT churches. And as far as Biblical history is concerned it has been that way throughout the ages. God has never left himself without a history.
The ones claiming successionism are the RCC and the Orthodox.
therefore (2)there
must have been some kind of shadow 'True Church' that existed in parallel for Christ's words in Matt 16:18 to have been true, even though (3) there may be no primary source evidence for the existence of such an entity.