Read this article, a headline from today's news. Today the Pope apologizes:It is actually a fair question. I guess on my other question in this forum section you would say no. But not necissarily. I'm just guessing.
Your statement here: leads me to ask two questions:
1) How is the RCC persecuting Christians today? I have never heard of it.
1970 is relatively current, wouldn't you say?From the 19th century until the 1970s, more than 150,000 native children in Canada were made to attend state-funded Christian schools as an effort to assimilate them into Canadian society. Nearly three-quarters of the 130 schools were run by Catholic missionary congregations.
The Canadian government has admitted that physical and sexual abuse in the schools was rampant, and has apologized and offered compensation.
If you look at my profile it says missionary. I have seen it firsthand. When a Baptist tries to start a work in an Islamic nation he faces two enemies: the Muslims and the Catholics. Neither group wants that work started and both will persecute believers to hinder it from being started. The Catholic Church is not Christian, and never has been. The devil is behind it, and helps it to hinder the work of God.
In the province of Quebec, here in Canada, Bible-believing Christians are discriminated against by the Catholic Church on a regular basis. Persecution takes on many forms. They may not be burned at the stake. They find more "civil" ways of persecution in our day and age.
Have you not read of the all the sexual abuse and scandals in your own nation of priest engaged in pedophilia? Adultery? etc.? Open your eyes!
Not that Baptist churches are completely immune from sin; but when sexual sin if found out in a Baptist church discipline is immediately taken first by the church, and then by the civil law. That is not so by the RCC, who sweep it under the rug, and then move their pedophile to another parish.
Are you that ignorant of history? Have you never heard of Innocent III and his crusade against Christians (Albigenses)? Innocent III was not innocent.2) What Crusade against Christians? The inquisition? It wasn't really a crusade. I guess it came pretty close to it in Spain. But a study in the inquisition shows that it was actually the Spanish Government that precipitated the executions primarily to get rid of Jews and muslims.
There was more than one Inquistion. Look them up. Why are the Anabaptists called Anabaptists? How was the RCC involved there? Who was Bloody Mary of Tudor, and why is she called "Bloody Mary"?
Two wrongs don't make a right. I doubt if these people were Baptist or even were saved. You are talking of apples and oranges. We are speaking of Bible-believing Christians, specifically Baptists, and those Baptists who are regenerated and following the Word of God.This is how I would reconcile your issues. First of all I can no more say that american baptist who are closely linked to the English Puritans who first settled Mass. are not christian because of the Salem massicre of people who weren't even witches than believe all Catholics for 1500 years were all murderers or hated the gosple.
Reformation is not regeneration. A pagan who leaves some pagan beliefs behind but still believes in paganism is still a pagan. Catholicism is largely pagan.In fact we see strong missionary movements by Catholics all over Europe we see Bede in England, Patrick in Ireland. We see a slow transformation of Europe from Pagan beliefs to less pagan beliefs.
No, I claim that Catholicism origniated with Constantine.You may claim that the RCC church went wrong during Constantine but he was an Arian and he only allowed for tollerance of Christians during his edict of Milan.
You cannot be a Catholic living the Catholic faith and a Christian at the same time. It is an impossibility. The Catholic faith is at odds with Christianity as much as Hinduism is. There is no reconciliation. Why do you think Luther was excommunicated. There was no way that he could reform it to the doctrines of Christianity. It was too pagan to begin with.There were very Christian Catholic leaders like Leo I and Gregory who caused a renessance of their time. I would say Catholics had issues more closely related to Pepin and Charlesmagne than to Constantine which culminated with Otto paving the way for the Papacy political power in Europe. Which was a mistake for the Europeans. what about the millions of CAtholics who lived their faith over this peroid of time?
The RCC at the time of Tyndale were doing everything they could to gather Bibles up and burn them. They have had a hatred of the Bible; not a love for it.The Irish Catholic monks practically single handedly saved all scripture writings of the NT when the rest of Europe was destroying most of these documents.
When is killing people justified in the NT? When one doesn't agree with you then you have the right to massacre them? This is your kind of Christianity? Please don't invite me to your house!The crusades were against Islams incursion to Europe which was stopped in France. So I don't think they were all bad but note.
Where is God in all of this?The Papacy asked for people to protect the holy land who actually sent troops?
Not just the Counci of Trent; read all of the heretical councils and see all of their condemnations against Bible-believing Christians. Do some research. See also the Councils where one heresy after another is introduced into this pagan religion.The many monarchies of europe which were secular. I believe the Papacy should never have become a political power in europe which caused excess of problems by the clergy. But that is certainly less than 1500 years. There were many catholics opposed to the inquisition and attempted to change it like Erasimus, Francis, and many others. When opposition to the Papacy secular political power but the papacy into question we had the reformation. The Catholic church reacted negatively and put forth its council of trent which is problematic even to this day. But by that time the gospel was in the hands of the presses.