New Member
Tim,Pick your poison...
Do you trace your religious heritage through the heresies of the Catholic Church
Do you trace your religious heritage through the heresies of the donatists, montanists, etc?
The Trail of Blood is fantasy birdcage material.
How are you doing? Long time no see. I have read on my own quite a bit on the subject, as I never went to seminary or college for any kind of Chrisitan vocation. My opinion is that there may, and I emphasize may, be a loose connection throughout 2000 years of history with the true New Testement Church that the gates of hell would not prevail against. There is obviously no group to group or person to person succession.
However, the preservation of the church is obviously not the Catholic Church either, before or after the Reformation. It is more a matter of elimination than proof. There are some things that bother me though, when we get into the realm of modern Baptists in the United States, Southern or otherwise, being a direct reflection of the New Testement Church. It is not that individual local churches do not act like the original church, it is just that as an overall trend, the signs are disturbing. Would Jesus Christ want His church today to have a sixty percent attendance rate on a good day? Would the true church have to beg its members to attend church, visit the sick and the lost, and help the poor? Was the church that Jesus Christ established destined to be full of lazy pew sitters? As was pointed out in another thread, would the New Testement Church established by Jesus Christ be more worried about people's vices than their salvation?
Another poster pointed out another good point above, and that is church membership. In Acts, members were received the same day into the local church. Things such as multi week or multi month classes of indoctrination to obtain membership is not Biblical, and is basically another case of the Catholic Church warping the Scriptures. I cannot think of one instance in the Bible where someone walked up front to ask for church membership, and the Pastor told them to enroll in a class, make a passing grade, and come back for a vote. To me, that is a bunch of baloney, and trends like this do not reflect signs of being the church Jesus Christ established.
Our local church does not practice such nonsense. I have always wondered who establishes the standards for what people going to these classes have to learn, and what makes their curriculum correct. It seems to me the Holy Spirit in each individual is a much better guide.
You may not agree with me on this one, but to me, as important as getting a magnifying glass and looking at every group, sect, or whatever that existed along side the Catholic Church to prove something is not near as important as looking at the state of the church that is allegedly the successor. It reminds me of people in the OT who were so worried about genealogy to Abraham, a totally worthless concept.
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