Sin is sin. Do you imagine the Right sins less than the left and do you imagine God is impressed with the ones who sin less?
Hatred toward others while ignoring personal sin is a sign of pharisaical pride and pride is the great sin.
The Left is openly promoting and celebrating complete defiance of God, enshrining the golden calf with PRIDE as their banner.
Moses dealt with the Leftists in his day, those on the left were destroyed.
The Right aren’t the ones institutionalising all this evil crap, Marxism, feminism, abortion ( infant sacrifice), euthanasia, gay pride, gay marriage, transgenderism, it’s all of the Leftist blasphemous beast.
The Left is the mother countless harlots, killing millions of the saints from womb to death bed and anytime in between.
If you can’t see the difference, then you are brainwashed and delusional.