Hi Eric_b...
I gave an answer to this question under the Seeker's Forum and on another forum, but I don't know how to post a link to it, so I'll just repeat it.
There definitely is a lesson to be learned from reading about the Transfiguration.
The whole point was that it was time for the disciples to get a grasp on the big picure. And to do that, they had to know just exactly who Jesus was.
They didn't come into a full knowledge of His Deity and Supreme Authority until after He was resurrected.
But this was earlier on and God knew that one very important thing needed to be crystal clear.
Jesus and Moses and Elijah are talking about Jesus' final countdown to his sacrificing His life for His people. (Luke 9:30)
Peter pipes up, butts in, and asks Jesus if he should have a tabernacle built for each of them. One for Moses, one for Elijah, and one for Jesus. Each one exalted the same. Each one honored the same. Each one no more and no less than the other. The Bible says that Peter didn't have a clue as to what he was talking about. (Luke 9:33)
And that was typical of Peter. He spoke rashly, acted rashly, and thought...well, he didn't think at all sometimes. Certainly, not here.
While he was suggesting this "brilliant" idea, God appeared on the scene in the form of a cloud and God said, "This is My beloved Son! Hear Him!"
Moses and Elijah vanished. All that was left weas Jesus.
Peter and, most likely, many other early followers of Jesus ranked Moses and Elijah on an equal plane with Jesus.
God didn't want anyone to make that mistake.
Many Bible scholars feel that Moses represented the Law and Elijah represented the Prophets. Jesus, of course, did not come to destroy the law nor the prophets, but to fulfill their purposes and their predictions.
And He could only do that if He was in authority over them as the Son of God.
There could not be three tabernacles because there were not three Messiahs. There were only two ordinary men who were used in extraordinary ways and one supernatural Son of God who created the other two men and used them for His own puposes.
Jesus could not be and cannot be ranked alongside of Moses, Elijah, or anyone else.
He, as Messiah and Lamb of God, stands alone.
That's the point of the Transfiguration.
Scarlett O.