Well-Known Member
It's remarkable to fathom that Trans are wanting to be allowed to go potty in the girls room, not kind of in your face, but totally in your face. Yet at the same time one is protecting them from the fact that they are pedophilic.
I don't get this sentiment as a deterrent for not allowing this. There are already plenty of pedophiles using the same bathroom as little boys. I don't think I've ever heard that sentiment expressed by anyone or a desire to do anything about THAT.
Are we assuming that the pedophiles are only going after the little girls because every time I hear the pedophile defense, it seems to be tied around the trans men preying on the little girls. And has there been a history of transgender attacks on children in bathrooms or is this just another scare tactic to keep this whole transgendered use of the bathroom from happening?

What about the little boys who are already being preyed upon by the old,married men who troll bathrooms?