The best thing to do is ignore the individual that said you never made it through high school. By responding to the question or point, you are letting it control your thoughts and actions. If something is ignored long enough, it will go away.
Sn..., I agree with you. However, the only point I'm trying to make in all of this is that the barbs thrown my way are of no consequence to me. They need to stop wasting their time if their intent is to get little 'ole me upset. Besides, when one points a finger at another, they have three pointing back at themselves.
Christians with a little age on 'em and having been blessed with a little wisdom, do not need to cower in a corner. I have never read in His Word where we are to run. Rather, we are to stand erect and face the foe(s), no matter how they present themselves.
Disagreeing with me on any topic is fine and for sure, there's more folks on this forum possessing more spiritual knowledge than I'll ever have. I'm glad for them and over the years..., have wondered why I was never chosen as other have been. Then, what comes to mind is the Lord appointed some in positions of authority and leadership and some in "helps". It's His choice. Not mine.