Please do. Please report me.
Just remember, the last time you tried this, the moderators found no merit in your claims.
There's another lie, I never reported that you had multiple accounts, it was merely a comment that I said I BELIEVE you have more than one account. No moderator was ever told this.
Not once have I said you are mentally ill, and not once have I ever said that your father is the devil, but yet you justify using such rhetoric against me and maintain that I am the one with the problem. Even when I disagree with my opponents, I still have limits. You apparently have none.
Anyone else that wants a link to where a moderator also believed this can PM me for the link.
And yes, when a person sends me a photo of a pig saying "what's for dinner" knowing that I am a Jew, that's blatantly racist, and the person that did it was infracted for it.
When I make a comment saying that Calvinists believe that if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it's a rhino, which was a reference to how John 3:16 and other passages were interpreted, and then EWF responds,
"'s a Zionist" that is blatantly racist. When KYRedneck says that Jews are terrorists, and claims that Muslim terrorists learned how to be such from Jews, that's blatantly racist. I have given the links several times and yet your willingness to vilify me at all costs ignores the obvious racist comments made toward me.