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True ifb

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would do well to understand the vast array of differences held by those who get placed under the IFB rubric. It is very likely that both DJ and I would walk across the street to avoid each other under normal circumstances. If the State comes looking for either of us, normal doesn't apply.
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For those of you who are SINCERE, the IFB folks stand is pretty well cut and dried where teaching is concerned.

We reject and separate from NEW EVANGELICALISM, ECUMENISM, FALSE TEACHERS (any person or group which teaches something other than what can be found in the New Testament) and, of course from the WORLD. We believe the Bible is wholly true and that it is our total basis for faith and practice.

Do you really practice completely what you assert and completely separate from all association or connection with any false teachers?

Do you completely separate from the textual criticism work of a Roman Catholic Erasmus?

Do you completely separate from the textual criticism decisions and translations decisions of a group of Church of England scholars in 1611 who accepted the Church of England's doctrine of baptismal regeneration? Do you separate from the translation decisions of a Roman Catholic Jesuit Gregory Martin, some of his renderings in his 1582 Roman Catholic Rheims New Testament were borrowed and followed in the 1611 KJV? Can a KJV-only view be found stated in the New Testament?

Is everything that you post and teach stated in the Scriptures?


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Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am posting this to all who might be on this forum who are truly IFB people, if there be any.

I am one.

I honestly don't have any clue what the folks on this forum really represent, but I know the ones I have read do not represent most IFB churches.

Most IFB churches don't represent each other! How can they represent most IFBers?

My point being, that I have been around a number of IFB churches that don't represent what a true IFB church should represent. The preaching and teaching is so man centered and so full of "I" and "We" that God is left completely out.

It's easy to understand what the IFB believe and represent. Just go read their statements of faith all over the place. Then read what is mostly posted here and compare!!

I have been in IFB churches that the current leadership never even read what the founding statements of faith said. When they were discovered, dusted off, and read, there was so much discussion and disagreement that in one church a split resulted.

This is probably a RELIGIOUS group, but you probably won't find much Christian LOVE represented on here.

So, my advice to you who truly are IFBs, get off here and shake their dirt off your feet as you go.

Why are you here?

I'm afraid I don't know WHERE you should go, but this certainly isn't where you should be. The name of the list is deceiving, but it ties right in with the verse I quoted at the start.

For those of you who are SINCERE, the IFB folks stand is pretty well cut and dried where teaching is concerned.

Let's see just how "cut and dried?" Look at these three issues that divided the IFB folks during the 70's till now.

Do you believe in secondary separation?
Do you believe in mixed race dating and marriage?
Do you believe that the KJV is the only God Authorized Bible?

We reject and separate from NEW EVANGELICALISM, ECUMENISM, FALSE TEACHERS (any person or group which teaches something other than what can be found in the New Testament) and, of course from the WORLD. We believe the Bible is wholly true and that it is our total basis for faith and practice.


you would never eat at McDonald's - fellowship with the world.
you would never read Dr. Seuss books to children - false teacher.

Those who don't accept the above are NOT IFB. They may call themselves IFBs, but it is a FALSE claim. One can call oneself anything they want, but the truth will come out as soon as they open their mouth or keyboard. All you have to do is KNOW the truth and sit back and absorb what is being said.

What are YOU...............really?

An old man.

However, if some Godly man will show that there is a difference between FUNDAMENTAL BAPTISTS and INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTAL BAPTISTS, that would be a different matter. However, since ALL Baptists are INDEPENDENT, that would be hard to explain!

I truly believe the name of this group is totally misleading and it should be changed............or.............false teachers, according to the name, should be excluded.

As I posted yesterday or the day before, who would you expect to be on a forum entitled: "PROFESSIONAL PLUMBERS FORUM"? Certainly not "AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS".

Why don't you take a list of the "fundamental" beliefs and post the one in which you don't think a poster in this forum would agree.

Here is a list from the Seventh Day Adventists:
1. That God is the Sovereign Creator, upholder, and ruler of the universe, and that He is eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
2. That the Godhead, the Trinity, comprises God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
3. That the Scriptures are the inspired revelation of God to men; and that the Bible is the sole rule of faith and practice.
4. That Jesus Christ is very God, and that He has existed with the Father from all eternity.
5. That the Holy Spirit is a personal being, sharing the attributes of deity with the Father and the Son.
6. That Christ, the Word of God, became incarnate through the miraculous conception and the virgin birth; and that He lived an absolutely sinless life here on earth.
7. That the vicarious, atoning death of Jesus Christ, once for all, is all-sufficient for the redemption of a lost race.
8. That Jesus Christ arose literally and bodily from the grave.
9. That He ascended literally and bodily into heaven.
10. That He now serves as our advocate in priestly ministry and mediation before the Father.
11. That He will return in a premillennial, personal, imminent second advent.
12. That man was created sinless, but by his subsequent fall entered a state of alienation and depravity.
13. That salvation through Christ is by grace alone, through faith in His blood.
14. That entrance upon the new life in Christ is by regeneration, or the new birth.
15. That man is justified by faith.
16. That man is sanctified by the indwelling Christ through the Holy Spirit.
17. That man will be glorified at the resurrection or translation of the saints, when the Lord returns.
18. That there will be a judgment of all men.
19. That the gospel is to be preached as a witness to all the world.
Now, I posted THAT list to not to engage in SDA debate, but to show your view is NOT peculiar to the IFB.

Rather it is peculiar to a certain grouping of folks within the IFB that consider their view as the only right and acceptable view. (SDA's came from Baptists who considered their view as the only right and acceptable view - same with Church of Christ, folks)

Perspective is in the eye of the beholder - but not everyone stands in the same position on the height of the rock and look in the same direction and at the same corner of the world.
Fundamentalists go by their predjudices, not the bible

That's why fundamentalists are against interacial marriage. Everything about fundamentalists is about their personal likes & dislikes. Reformed Baptist tend to be people who try to think like scripture. IFB has been very cultic & abusive towards women.


Well-Known Member
I don't know that I'd call them a cult. I've never seen anything that would make them actually a cult. Some specific IFB churches that are cults may exist for all I know, but I don't think I'd lump them all in that category. I know my old church never tried to control it's members or anything like that. They were legalistic (IMO), but not tyrants. Members were allowed to have their own lives, and they weren't punished for having different opinions.

But yeah, the interracial marriage thing I never got.
You do tend to get into the whole mistake of taking strongly held opinions as some cardinal Christian command or something...but then, so do other denominations and sub denominations.
For example, how social conservatism is practically a Christian (not just IFB or even baptist) cliche--especially here in the Bible belt. If I had a nickel for every time I heard a preacher or a speaker endorse (or condemn) a particular candidate or political position--!
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