As many of you know, I refuse to vote for Trump and will advocate against him, but to criticize his decision not to have an event to announce his VP pick in light of the most recent terror attack is ridiculous.
If he went ahead and had the event, he would be criticized for his "insensitivity." Since he did not have the event, he is being criticized for being "indecisive" or being manipulated by the actions of terrorists.
This is just people wanting to bash Trump because there is an opportunity to do so.
There are plenty of reasons to call out Trump as totally unsuited for the office of President, but we shouldn't make things up.
In my opinion, I would prefer that Trump not change his plans because of what terrorists do. That's giving terrorists too much control in my opinion. But I'm not going to question his judgement in that area since there are cases to be made both ways. He needs to do what is right according to his conscience.
Now that I've hacked off everyone, I'll step away from the conversation.