I don't recall any Democratic President or candidate in my life time speak so compassionately towards actually helping the black communities.
Why can't you Trump supporters connect the dots? You don't spend your entire campaign talking down to folks and then think you can try to be "compassionate" and suddenly it means something.
He's fake. He's polling at less than 2% with Blacks and pretending NOW that he cares about them is simply a waste of time.
He's again saying very loudly what folks in the GOP have whispered for decades. He's appealing to white racists and talking about Blacks to majority white crowds. So what about that speaks of compassion?
Makes you wonder why they just keep voting for democrats when the democrats have not helped them one iota.
It's not like the GOP is trying to help them. I guess they'd rather stick with the party that pretends they are gonna do something vs the party that's made it clear they don't care. I guess they'd rather stick with the party that recognizes the systemic racism vs the party that largely thinks there's no problem.
Obama has had eight years and has never said one peep about the poor black communities nor has offered any solutions to their problems.
Interesting.What did Reagan say or do ? How about HW Bush? What about George W Bush?
What solutions did they offer?
Hopefully they will see the light and make a change.
They've seen the light and realize that Trump either a racist or very racially prejudiced and is indicative of a larger group of racists/racially prejudiced folks who have taken over the GOP. Why would they change to that?
If they only realized their opportunity to change their situations by just giving Trump a chance to make good on his word. Obviously after 60 years of empty promises the democrats are not going to help them prosper.
You're delusional. After 400+ years of pure foolishness out of racists and the racially prejudiced in this country, you really think Blacks are falling for that song and dance?
Why don't you give the devil a chance to be your god is essentially what you're saying.