A potential future enemy, I think you'll find. Fairly inevitable, given Trump's anti-NATO and anti-European rhetoric: he didn't honestly think he'd get away with that with impunity, did he? Alienating allies? Oh, guess what, he's done it again this weekend!
I suspect that President Trump (like much of the US) does not care too much if they offend the French.
Macron addressed President Trump in a way when he pointed out the difference between "nationalism" and "patriotism" by explaining that nationalism was "a betrayal of patriotism". The irony, of course, is that patriotism is a definition of nationalism (although nationalism typically implies a feeling that one's country is better than other countries.....something for which the UK is famous). I hope that most citizens of the United States feels that their country is better than other countries. I hope that citizens of the UK believe that it is far better to be British than American. I wish people pride in their nation and a sense of patriotism that is by definition a sense of nationalism.
Unfortunately I believe that we (as most of Europe has done) are leaning towards a globalization that will weaken our nation. We see that in those who would prefer open boarders here. We saw that in Europe. Just look at the UK (can't grant asylum to a young lady and her family because they have lost control of elements coming into their own country).
I mean, what kind of impunity can we (or President Trump) expect? Is France going to whine on our shoulders and ruin our shirts with their tears? Is the UK going to stop exporting bland food? Is China and Mexico going to force American owned businesses to return to the US?