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The link that I clicked on, Poncho, indicated that the picture was of a "gay foam party". Why do you keep on asking me to click on that link?You know it would be to your benefit to just click on the link and look at the pictures Jon. Then you'd realize how foolish you're looking right now to the people who already have.
I contacted you to privately let you know why your complaint against InTheLight resulted in no action. You seemed to be having a temper tantrum, stomping your feet and posting threads about moderators because you did not get your way. Rather than let you continue to act like a child, I thought that I would inform you of the decision of the Admins so that you could move on.This is what was actually said in private folks . . .
JonC δοῦλος
Lifelong Disciple Moderator
Nov 30, 2015
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The thread in question does not compare to posting a link to a supposed photograph of Rubio engaging in immoral acts. I believe that you know this and are just making waves, but if you are truly unable to discern the difference then perhaps you should avoid these types of topics.
JonC δοῦλος, Yesterday at 7:26 PM
Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2004
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The thread in question does not compare to posting a link to a supposed photograph of Rubio engaging in immoral acts. I believe that you know this and are just making waves, but if you are truly unable to discern the difference then perhaps you should avoid these types of topics.
For your information the photo in question does not show anyone engaged in a an immoral act.. It shows men in swim trunks on a stage. Last time I checked I can go to a church outing at the local YMCA and see pastors in their swim trunks. No immoral acts were depicted in the other pictures in the article only men in a pool filled with bubbles. Only their shoulders necks and heads are visible.
If you don't know the difference between photos of immoral acts and men in swimsuits and in a pool filled with bubbles maybe you should learn the difference before confronting me about something you don't have a clue about.
Ya think?
Don't believe me? Work up the courage and click on the link.
poncho, Yesterday at 7:40 PM
JonC δοῦλος
Lifelong Disciple Moderator
Nov 30, 2015
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For your information the photo in question does not show anyone engaged in a an immoral act.. It shows men in swim trunks on a stage. Last time I checked I can go to a church outing at the local YMCA and see pastors in their swim trunks. No immoral acts were depicted in the other pictures in the article only men in a pool filled with bubbles. Only their shoulders necks and heads are visible.
If you don't know the difference between photos of immoral acts and men in swimsuits and in a pool filled with bubbles maybe you should learn the difference before confronting me about something you don't have a clue about.
Ya think?
Don't believe me? Work up the courage and click on the link.
Click to expand...
You are now saying that your point was all Rubio was doing was innocently swimming with his college pals. And you wonder if I would believe you after that reply?
I was just letting you know that no one seems to be buying what you are selling so that you can move on.
JonC δοῦλος, Yesterday at 8:06 PM
Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2004
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You are now saying that your point was all Rubio was doing was innocently swimming with his college pals. And you wonder if I would believe you after that reply?
I was just letting you know that no one seems to be buying what you are selling so that you can move on.
I don't care if you believe me or not. It's plain to me that you don't even have the courage to go see if I'm telling the truth. Let me spell it out real plain for you. You got no guts or decency. First you accuse me of doing something you have no knowledge of then you haven't even got the decency to go check it out to see if I'm telling the truth.
I'm just letting you know that you're a coward for accusing me of something then not checking out my story. Why would I care what a cowardly accuser thinks?
poncho, Yesterday at 8:15 PM
Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2004
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I want to make this perfectly clear so there is no confusion, Jon. YOU contacted ME to accuse ME of something you have no knowledge of and to talk down to ME as if you did know what you were talking about. Then YOU called ME a liar without checking out MY story I did not contact YOU to tell YOU anything.
So any reply YOU got from ME was because YOU contacted ME.
Don't contact ME and accuse ME then call ME a liar then expect ME to act friendly to YOU.
Is that clear enough, Jon?
poncho, Yesterday at 8:25 PM
- So uh who's being dishonest here Jon?