When Christ returns this present heavens and earth will be replaced by the new heavens and earth.
so your an amillennial?
Amillennialism - Wikipedia.
Some are and some are not.
Amillenarism or
Amillennialism (from
Latin mille, one thousand; "a" being a negation prefix) is a type of
chillegorism which teaches that there will be no millennial reign of the righteous on earth. Amillennarists interpret the thousand years symbolically to refer either to a temporary bliss of souls in heaven before the general resurrection, or to the infinite bliss of the righteous after the general resurrection.
This view in
Christian eschatology does not hold that Jesus Christ will physically reign on the earth for exactly 1,000 years. This view contrasts with some
postmillennial interpretations and with
premillennial interpretations of
chapter 20 of the
Book of Revelation.
The amillennial view regards the "thousand years" mentioned in
Revelation 20 as a
symbolic number, not as a literal description; amillennialists hold that the
millennium has already begun and is identical with the current
church age. Amillennialism holds that while Christ's reign during the millennium is
spiritual in nature, at the end of the church age,
Christ will return in
final judgment and establish a permanent reign in the new heaven and new earth.
Many proponents dislike the term "amillennialism" because it emphasizes their differences with premillennialism rather than their beliefs about the millennium. "Amillennial" was actually coined in a pejorative way by those who hold premillennial views. Some proponents also prefer alternate names such as
nunc-millennialism (that is, now-millennialism) or
realized millennialism, although these other names have achieved only limited acceptance and usage.