Your ad hominem, which I consider beneath you, is just as easily interpreted as willful ignorance on your part, but in any case shall not go unchallenged. I do not believe any opinion just because.
It is well known and obvious that the MSM and Hollywood have been using their considerable influence to push an increasingly Democrat/Progressive/Feminist/Marxist/ anti-Christian agenda for decades with too little to counter it and them. In other words, the "fourth estate" has for too long been successfully extremely biased against God and against those who prefer his standards of righteousness be upheld, at least locally if not nationally. To put it plainly, the damning lies and deception of the devil have tended to prevail over the airwaves (with a nod to "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience," Eph 2:2b).
It would be naïve to think this has happened independently of international entities of similar influence.
The Internet has ushered in a new era challenging that Satanic stranglehold. I do not claim this "fifth estate" is entirely successful. I do not at all intend that anyone should swallow hook, line, and sinker any blog or post no matter how tempting, because it is possible to go wrong in any number of ways. What I claim is that Mika Brzezinski inadvertently exposed a core truth, namely that the MSM is all about messaging, "messaging" designed to "control exactly what people think." At their core, this is who they are--the MSM is intentionally Orwellian, and in the worst way. Trump has done a lot to expose them, and to undermine their nefarious efforts. It does not at all mean that whatever he says is true, or that whatever he does is right. That is a separate issue.
It is always possible that given two sides, both could be wrong. When it comes to bottom lines, I stand with Simon Peter: The Lord Jesus alone has "the words of eternal life;" I believe and am sure that he is the "Christ, the Son of the living God," (ref John 6:68f).