He wants to take away health insurance from millions of needy people.
He simply thinks people shouldn't have buy health insurance if they don't want it. Medical care is not a constitutionally guaranteed right.
He wants to cut Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.
He wants to eliminate unmarried, childless alcoholics and drug addicts from receiving any further Medicaid until they undergo treatment for chemical addiction. He wants to cut Medicare and Social Security fraud.
He wants to increase our already bloated defence budget by $50B. We already spend as much as the next 8 top countries combined.
Yes, but we do more than the next 8 countries combined. We keep the world safe. And we have more enemies than any other nation, because we stand for liberty and justice for all.
he want to cut taxes on the rich who are already not paying their fair share.
Justice is when each man knows the fruits of his labor are his own, regardless of his income. The job of government is to protect each individual's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, against violation by others. But you can't violate the rights of one group to preserve the rights of another group.
Inequality of wealth is really the major concern that is driving a lot of the unrest in America.
Inequality of wealth does not drive unrest. Evaluating ones own intrinsic worth based on income drives unrest. But the dignity of the human person is not based on income. It's based on each person's uniqueness, and his priceless value in the eyes of God. The job of government is NOT to establish economic equality, it's to establish a system in which everyone is paid according to the market value of the labor he performs.
I couldn’t care less about how much money super-wealthy people have. I’m only concerned about how much money I have! If I have less than the amount I want, I do something about it. I don’t complain
A good government—by non-interference—allows the best person for each job to occupy that position. Could anything be more fair than to let God give to each person what He intends?
Racism is at the highest level I've seen since the 1950's and Trump supports that.
Racism is racial hatred for no other reason than that another person is of a certain racial heritage. Opposition to illegal immigration is not racism. It's promoting law and order.
Supporting police officers is not racism. Police kill when they are threatened, regardless of the the race of the person who threatens them. Blacks have more problems with police, because they commit more crime as a percentage of their population. If ethnic minorities accepted accountability for their actions, instead of blaming others, it would make a big difference.
But you supply them with no end of excuses to keep them down. I, on the other hand, have reasonable expectations that each person is responsible for his own destiny. I was on Social Security for a few years. I made a deal with the government: they could keep some of my income. In the event I was disabled, the government would then cover my medical care and give me a small, monthly stipend.
I lost my vision in one eye. I can’t drive as a result. I had no cell phone. Part of my foot had to be amputated, because of a bone infection. I can’t walk far as a result. I have liver cirrhosis due to viral damage from an illness I contracted while giving first aid to an ex-drug-addict on a construction site.
I am a high-school dropout from a broken home with an atheist father. I suffered merciless criticism growing up. But I had faith in God. So, when I couldn’t do construction work anymore, I held God to His promise in Jeremiah 29.
I didn’t sit on my butt and complain! I bought a cane so I could walk to the library, where I could study electrical engineering online. I went on to invent a novel electronic device that I now sell in 45 countries.
I was never bitter about my handicaps, because America is the greatest nation in the world. I had a second chance, because anyone can do anything in America! When others my age were out out drinking, drugging and fornicating, I was in my cheap apartment doing research and development for my new product.
It took me three years. And I was able to do it because I stayed away from sin. Those who fail to succeed are bound by patterns of intentional sin. If they repent and live virtuously, they can succeed. Poverty is God’s way of teaching people how to behave.
His head of the Dept. of Justice is a well-known racist.
That would be the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. Again, I think you’ve expanded the definition of “racist” to extend well beyond racial hatred.
He is acting to destroy our public education. He appointed a head of the Dept. of Education who has no public school experience and who supports the failed concepts of charter schools and vouchers.
The President appointed Betsy DeVos, simply because she hasn’t been messed-up by public-school experience. Public schools students presently lag behind even home-schooled children in standardized test results. Charter schools and school vouchers are what parents want for their children! Public schools lag behind every other form of school.
He consorted with a foreign enemy (Russia) to change the outcome of the election.
Could you cite rational and conclusive evidence to support that claim? I haven’t been able to find any.
His supporters include Neo-Nazi's and the KKK. None of his cabinet members have the qualifications to perform their duties.
Who his supporters are has no bearing on who the President is. He cannot control other people. He can only control himself. He has denounced those groups. Regarding his cabinet, could you cite rational, conclusive evidence to support that claim.
He professes to be a Christian but exhibits none of the characteristics of one. He used his "faith" simply to get the vote of evangelical Christians.
The President exhibits many characteristics of a Christian. He’s kind, compassionate and generous. He’s married. All of his children were conceive within the bonds of marriage.
He has received the economic blessings God gives to the righteous. He supports the police, the military, law and order, and The Nation Under God. God loves those things!
Could you cite a rational example in which he intentionally misrepresented the truth in a significant way?
He is against freedom of the press.
I am not aware that the President has ever advocated for government control of the press. The President has a right to free speech. He can say what he wants about the press. That doesn’t mean he’s against freedom of the press.
I could go on and on. Either you see this mjkan for what he really is, a charlatan and a wanna-be dictator or you don't.
Unfortunately, you’re only pointing out your own malcontent. Perhaps if you got in touch with yourself you could be more honest about your beliefs.You write your posts like you're hurling grenades. I can only assume your prose are a cry for help.
I can feel the pain just reading it. Trump is not the reason. He’s a target to project your own feelings onto. The problem is inside you. It always is. Your OP shows signs that you believe you operate from a concealed position.
But I think everyone with heart can read into what you write. The injustice you suffered is aimed right back at those you blame. I could get angry at your words and just let you rot in your pointless and ineffectual vengeance.
But I see the unfairness of your words as evidence of the injustice you’ve suffered. I feel bad for you. But if you don’t forgive others, neither will God forgive you. If you knew the injustice I have suffered, you would think it’s impossible I survived. I know the suffering of injustice up close and personal.
But I don’t cling to resentment. I held people accountable for what they did to me, and I forgave them, whether they wanted forgiveness or not! I gave it to them anyway. I hope you can do the same.
Ask yourself, “What do I want from life?” Then ask, “Am I able and willing to do what it takes to get it?” The President is not your enemy. You are!