You are looking for an escape clause to justify the the narcissist, Trump.
No offence dude, but you sound really brainwashed.
The first thing I looked at before even Trumps policies, was who hated him.
It turned out all the evil elite institutions of America and the world hated his guts, he was not one of them.
That was a very good sign in Trumps favour, in fact it was the very best thing in his favour.
The most shallow emotional thinkers judge a candidate by personality, deeper thinkers judge policy, and deeper still judge who the candidates enemies are and the implications to those enemies.
It was successive leftist globalist governments that have demoralised and destroyed your country, they aren’t putting America first. They have destroyed the idea of Citizenship and it’s significance.
Marxist Cosmopolitanism says anyone can come into your country, no need to be a citizen, no need to have paid into the system.
Millions of unvetted can just walk in like they own the place. These have caused horrific crimes against actual citizens.
The Democratic Party is trying to flood the demographics in their favour to allow illegals to vote for them. Because you don’t need to be a citizen to even vote anymore. Soon illegal non citizens will be candidates.
Marxist cosmopolitans kill citizenship and nations.
The way Biden left Afghanistan was not caused by total incompetence. It was a very deliberate demoralisation program against American Nationalism, to lose so openly and fail so utterly in the sight of the whole world, after wasting enormous blood and treasure. He is not working for America, he is working completely against America.
This has so weakened America in the eyes of the world, that it has emboldened all of Americas enemies and has directly brought on the invasion of Ukraine, and possibly Taiwan. Even North Korea is now firing more missiles, and Iran just fired missiles at the American embassy in Erbil Iraq.
Biden has successfully destroyed America’s energy independence, which greatly favours Russia and caused real inflation to jump to 17%. America is about to be destroyed economically, never to rise again.
America will not survive Biden Harris, they will bring hell on earth to you.
Russia and China will soon dominate the world. Not because of Trump, but because of emotional thinking personality voters, who never knew who the real enemies are.
You just keep banging on about Trump, as your country gets destroyed under Biden.