No doubt covid will take a "WAY" back seat once November elections are over!! (just MHO of course!!)
I took my lawnmower to a dealer a couple of days ago & asked him to help me get it out of my trunk. {
20 years ago I could have lifted it out myself, but that 90# (=/-) mower now weighs about 150#} Anyway, he was so scared of 19 that he refused to get close enough to give me any aid whatsoever, so I just said to heck with him. I even told him that he could just hold his breath, & I would do likewise & we could get it on the ground , I would leave & he could roll it into his shop.
acted as if he thought I was trying to get him close to me so I could infect him!! I'm the one who should be afraid - I'm 83, & this guy couldn't have been more that mid-late 40s
Took it to another dealer, had NO problem, & am now waiting for repairs.
I was really perturbed at this guy, but the more I thought about it, the more I began to feel real pity for the emotional state of this poor guy from all the political garbage floating around this virus that he has obviously absorbed!! Got to thinking too, that he may have had some loved ones impacted & that fueled his actions. His wife was trying to calm him down.
At any rate, I ended up praying for him to have that "peace that passes understanding"!