Hmmmm. I believe "ALL Lives Matter." Does the fact that I don't believe Black Lives matter more than white lives or cop lives or baby's lives make me a racist?My opinion is that you have racists tendencies towards all things black and that you would get rid of black jelly beans if you could.
In fact, I will put myself at risk of being labeled a "racist" by saying black lives matter more to me than they seem to matter to the black community.
According to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports, from 2003 through 2012, law-enforcement officers killed an average of 429 people per year, of which 112 were black, in “legal interventions.” These include a relatively small number of innocent people killed by cops and many more who died due to reasonable use of force.
But the biggest problem black men face is that their black lives don’t matter to other black men.
On average, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men every year between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012, the same time period, according to the same FBI reports.
For every black man killed by police, 40 are killed by other black men.
Do black lives matter? Yes, but they seem to matter to me more than they matter to the black community.
Where are the street filling protests marching against black men who prey on their own community?
Now add in the number of black babies who are killed by black mothers every year in the abortion mills. Roughly 700,000 babies were aborted in the US in 2013. Of those about 245,000 were black babies.
It looks to me as if the black community is in much more peril from the black community than it is from cops.
Where are the street filling protests marching against black women who prey on their own community by aborting almost a quarter million babies every year?