In the 1950's sitcom "The Honeymooners", Ralph Kramden had a penchant for getting in trouble for things he said. He would then bellow at the top of his lungs, "I've got a BIIIIIIG mouth!" Donald Trump and Ralph Kramden have a lot in common.
Donald Trump's problem is not his policy positions. He kept his word on the Supreme Court and is moving in the right for direction on immigration. He's making progress on rolling back regulations. He's reversing the decline in our military readiness. These are all good things. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has a big mouth. He doesn't think of the consequences of his words. The recent controversy about the events in Charlottesville is case in point. He should have known that his political enemies would pounce on any misstatements. He played right into their hands. Every President needs political allies. Trump's are ducking for cover. This is not a good thing. Trump may effectively become a lame duck before his first year is up.
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Donald Trump's problem is not his policy positions. He kept his word on the Supreme Court and is moving in the right for direction on immigration. He's making progress on rolling back regulations. He's reversing the decline in our military readiness. These are all good things. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has a big mouth. He doesn't think of the consequences of his words. The recent controversy about the events in Charlottesville is case in point. He should have known that his political enemies would pounce on any misstatements. He played right into their hands. Every President needs political allies. Trump's are ducking for cover. This is not a good thing. Trump may effectively become a lame duck before his first year is up.
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