Many people in the USA hold their presidential candidates to very high standards regarding their life choices, regardless of when in their life they made them, especially adultry.
I believe that all citizens should be informed of all character history of their candidates. I, and others with whom I have spoken about this, knew nothing of McCain's infidelity.
Some people want to elect someone to the highest office who has always been known to be of high moral character.
I posted a Google link so that all could view the many articles for themselves. I believe that we need to reach truth on our own.
You'll find this one interesting:
I personally believe in voting for the best candidate, not the lesser of two evils.
Would Jesus vote for Chuck Baldwin or McCain?
Jesus doesn't give a heck about who wins a political race on earth; He cares about you and me doing the right thing - whether it puts you in the "cool club" or not.
If Christians would just do the right thing and vote for the best candidate in the eyes of God (by study of the Bible), then the two-party beast wouldn't exist, and people wouldn't feel trapped to vote for McCain instead of Osama, I mean, Obama.