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Sorry, but I gotta go with Salty on this one. When a majority of the voters are enjoying hand-outs, why would they vote to change the system?
Sorry, but I gotta go with Salty on this one. When a majority of the voters are enjoying hand-outs, why would they vote to change the system?
That's fine Don I understand. No need to apologize.
So there's a majority of voters enjoying handouts? Where's the proof they are all enjoying it?
You guys make it sound as if everyone that is on some type of government assistance chooses to be on it. That's just not true. It sounds real conservative and all but that doesn't make it so.
The truth is Don there are alot of folks out that have no other choice.
There are many - not a majority (IMHO) who are receiving handouts that do not enjoy it.
First - if the truly greedy were to have all their handouts ended - that would be a good first step- 1) less govt spending - 2) they would (have to) get jobs which in turn would assist the economy.
Second - what did folks like this do before govt handouts? Either family or the church took care of them. Thats the way it should be today!
A big problem is govt - with regulations ect - and these regulations come with paperwork. Just take income tax -for example - even a small business must have an accountant just to do the taxes - local, state/commonwealth as well as Federal.
I support the Automatic Electronic Tax - no paperwork (other than banks - & all computerized) no filing, ect.
Expand this to many other regulations:
1) Are the regulations required - if not revoke them.
2) If needed, can they be streamlined
By doing this - you have freed up a lot of wasted man hours. The list can go on - but this should suffice .
I will mention - there are people who do enjoy subsisting off our tax dollars - and that includes some in the military as well as other govt agy's.
I am curious as to how many Lucys are out there?[/URL
But here is the clincher - sometimes we must - and its NOT a dirty word - and we need to compromise on some issues for the greater good.
The flag and the fourth of July are about far more than the government. To turn your back on them is to protest the wrong thing in response to an over reaching government.
Not going to do it.
Oh good grief it is not stolen. Saying such a thing only shows you do not understand what the flag represents in the first place.
That's all fine and good but it still doesn't answer my question.
How are we honoring all those brave souls who suffered and died to win our independence and safeguard our liberties by accepting every form of tyranny they suffered and died to free us from?
Where ya hidin Salty? I answered your questions.
Speaking of acting cowardly. It's strange how all the BB "patriots" disappear just because I ask a simple question. Don't you think that's being "cowardly" preacher4truth? I noticed you didn't try to answer my question either.![]()
The flag isn't just about what was or what is now, it also represents what could be. At no point in our countries history have we ever got everything right, there have always been problems that we needed and still need to address. The flag represents not only those who strove to obtain and maintain our high minded ideals, but the ideals themselves.
I for one still believe in remembering those who have gone before me, so I fly my flag in their honor. I also still believe in our ideals as a country, so I fly my flag also as a reminder of what we should and could be.
For me, turning the flag upside down not only dishonors those who have gone before me but also in effect says our ideals are not worth striving toward. I don't believe that to be the case, so the flag will stay properly displayed.
My hope rests in Jesus, but I am also a citizen of the USA and will be as good a citizen as my conscience will allow. If this kingdom passes away I of course will be saddened but until that happens or I'm in the presence of my Savior may our future as a country be brighter than our past.
Originally Posted by poncho
That's all fine and good but it still doesn't answer my question.
You're wrong that we are accepting every form of tyranny. You're wrong that flying the flag they fought under, were united by, doesn't honor them.
Fly whatever you want, however you want, just don't deceive yourself into thinking it is honoring them because you're not. You are making a political gesture, that is all.