Well-Known Member
The problem is that the Left's definition of being a "bigot" includes supporting Trump. They broaden the definition of bigotry to include people who hold views they don't like. The term, "Bigot" is the all-purpose weapon the Left uses to shut down free speech and any debate they are not winning. Twitter is not fair to all sides and I don't have to be on Twitter to know that.If you are not on the platform then all you know about it is fed on you. They digest their experiences for you, concoct all sorts of theories and they have a ready audienta in your ilk.
I asked for a practical example and you lacked any.
Twitter is fair to all sides; right,ccenter,left. But it's never fair for hateful bigots and anyone indulging in what I shared. Ever read Twitter policy?
Sorry, but even the liberal mainstream media has covered shadow banning and that takes it out of the realm of conspiracy theories.
You asked me for practical examples of what I think should be on Twitter that is not on there now. I answered the question. I would like to see them stop censoring Twitter users simply because they don't like what some users are saying.