Well-Known Member
A recent post asked the question, “Are Arminianism & Calvinism issues to split over?”
One need only read another post, “How can Jesus make this claim……,” to discern the great gulf fixed between the two.
It should be quite apparent to the unbiased observer that two disparate rule books are in play when interpreting God’s Word.
How can this be if there is but one faith? (Ephesians 4:5).
How can this be if there is but one Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:4) who guides His people into nothing but truth? (John 16:13).
Furthermore, God is not a God of confusion (1Cor. 14:33).
Confusion is a predominant attribute of Mystery Babylon, the apostate church of confusion.
On the one side, their rule book espouses the power of man’s will to receive and believe spiritual truth, if he so chooses.
Some in this camp admit Holy Ghost help is needed to bring man’s will into equilibrium whereby he may, should he desire, believe Gospel truth.
Others in this camp dismiss the notion of a will absolutely enslaved to sin and Satan, preferring instead to define man’s will as weak because of sin, but certainly not incapable of receiving and believing Gospel truth.
For, in their minds, the call of the Gospel infers and demands man’s ability to respond positively, should he so choose. Otherwise, the Gospel command would be insincere and deceptive.
On the other side, the proponents of original sin – God imputing the guilt of Adam to all humans (Romans 5:12 ff.), making them born spiritually dead in sin and trespasses (Ephesians 2:1), servants of their father, Satan (John 8:42-44), the natural enemies of holy truth, holiness and a Holy God (Ephesians 2:2-3) -- believe the will of unregenerate man is enmity against God (Romans 8:7).
Those in this camp confess their faith is the gift and miraculous work of God (Ephesians 2:8-9; John 6:29), having first raised them from spiritual death, through the gracious, omnipotent resurrecting power of the eternal life-giving Spirit (Ephesians 1:19-20), through no merit of their own (1 Cor. 4:7; Romans 11:6).
Their faith is all of grace.
Thus, we have two irreconcilable anthropological views.
Either (1) both are in error; or (2) one of them is true, the other a lie.
It is impossible both are true, for they contradict each other.
This postulate is confirmed by the Law of Contradiction.
One may now ask, how serious is the discrepancy?
Some professing Christians see no discrepancy.
For other professing Christians the discrepancy is minor.
Yet for many in both camps the discrepancy is major.
This professing Christian believes the discrepancy is critical because as Christians we are to believe God’s truths.
Love of the truth is requisite to salvation (2Thessalonians 2:10).
In conclusion, if man contributes one iota to his gift of faith, he then diminishes the grace of God, perverting the work of God in salvation, crediting himself a righteous co-worker.
I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols (Isaiah 42:8).
Nor will He yield His glory and praise to the idol of free-will.
NEXT: John 3:16 Examined
One need only read another post, “How can Jesus make this claim……,” to discern the great gulf fixed between the two.
It should be quite apparent to the unbiased observer that two disparate rule books are in play when interpreting God’s Word.
How can this be if there is but one faith? (Ephesians 4:5).
How can this be if there is but one Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:4) who guides His people into nothing but truth? (John 16:13).
Furthermore, God is not a God of confusion (1Cor. 14:33).
Confusion is a predominant attribute of Mystery Babylon, the apostate church of confusion.
On the one side, their rule book espouses the power of man’s will to receive and believe spiritual truth, if he so chooses.
Some in this camp admit Holy Ghost help is needed to bring man’s will into equilibrium whereby he may, should he desire, believe Gospel truth.
Others in this camp dismiss the notion of a will absolutely enslaved to sin and Satan, preferring instead to define man’s will as weak because of sin, but certainly not incapable of receiving and believing Gospel truth.
For, in their minds, the call of the Gospel infers and demands man’s ability to respond positively, should he so choose. Otherwise, the Gospel command would be insincere and deceptive.
On the other side, the proponents of original sin – God imputing the guilt of Adam to all humans (Romans 5:12 ff.), making them born spiritually dead in sin and trespasses (Ephesians 2:1), servants of their father, Satan (John 8:42-44), the natural enemies of holy truth, holiness and a Holy God (Ephesians 2:2-3) -- believe the will of unregenerate man is enmity against God (Romans 8:7).
Those in this camp confess their faith is the gift and miraculous work of God (Ephesians 2:8-9; John 6:29), having first raised them from spiritual death, through the gracious, omnipotent resurrecting power of the eternal life-giving Spirit (Ephesians 1:19-20), through no merit of their own (1 Cor. 4:7; Romans 11:6).
Their faith is all of grace.
Thus, we have two irreconcilable anthropological views.
Either (1) both are in error; or (2) one of them is true, the other a lie.
It is impossible both are true, for they contradict each other.
This postulate is confirmed by the Law of Contradiction.
One may now ask, how serious is the discrepancy?
Some professing Christians see no discrepancy.
For other professing Christians the discrepancy is minor.
Yet for many in both camps the discrepancy is major.
This professing Christian believes the discrepancy is critical because as Christians we are to believe God’s truths.
Love of the truth is requisite to salvation (2Thessalonians 2:10).
In conclusion, if man contributes one iota to his gift of faith, he then diminishes the grace of God, perverting the work of God in salvation, crediting himself a righteous co-worker.
I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols (Isaiah 42:8).
Nor will He yield His glory and praise to the idol of free-will.
NEXT: John 3:16 Examined