Only when you apply the false argument you create can such a scenario exist.
When one is saved, they are made complete in Christ in regards to Eternal Salvation. They have been immersed into God, they have been forgiven their sins, and there will never again be a need for sacrifice for sin because Christ's Blood has covered the debt we owed.
Once that happens, one is saved, and they are from that point on into eternity...always saved.
The works which arise in our walk do not impact that positional standing before God. They may impact our current circumstances (i.e., wilfull sin grieves God and strains the relationship, obedience allows God to further work in our lives for our profit), but have no impact on whether we are saved or not.
As far as what "my camp" is, not too sure it is a very big camp. You certainly cannot speak about it because you are not even grasping the distinction I have been making concerning positional and progressive sanctification. You keep ignoring that issue so you can nurture your dislike of whatever camp it is you think you are preaching against, which as I said, is either the one you have created in your false argument, or, those who, like you, simply do not understand Perseverance, Eternal Security, or OSAS.
"No works no Heaven" is not the same as "No works salvation questionable."
You nullify a kajor portion of Christ's teaching concerning those who appear to be believers but really are not, and are exposed by their very works. John the Baptist identifies such men when he refuses to baptize them, because repentance was to precede being baptized, rather than repentance being received because one was baptized.
John gives several areas of validation one can examine, Paul and Peter call men to examine themselves, so why would you have a problem with the Biblical Perspective that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a might just be a duck?
Actually, it's in the General Discussion Forum, lol, which while some might deny the potential for debate, it is truly a debate forum as well, so I agree with you in premise. Discussion does not mean we have to agree with each other, and anytime there is disagreement it falls into a category of debate, though, to properly debate, both sides have to have valid arguments. Creating false arguments places it more into philosophical musings, if you ask me.
So when you have a valid argument, be glad to debate it with you.
And by the way, I was simply pointing out that your argument is a good example of Two Lips because it deals with saying one thing and meaning another. While of course you are in fantasy land with your assertion, it does refer to the topic itself, so good job!
As far as my humor, well, it gets me in trouble sometimes.
God bless.