Mods need to intercede.
Well...:tear:...why don't you just go tattle about it...
Welcome aboard RIPPON, I think you'd make a fine replacement! :smilewinkgrin:
Welcome to Baptist Board, a friendly forum to discuss the Baptist Faith in a friendly surrounding.
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Mods need to intercede.
Hello, my name is Bud Collier and welcome to "To Tell The Truth."
I have requested that RIPP0N be changed to RIPP0N WV considering requests from posters, the fact there is another Rippon, and the history of his or her posts. After reading them, I want the clarification.
Hello, my name is Bud Collier and welcome to "To Tell The Truth."
Contestant Number One "My name is Rippon"
Contestant Number Two "My name is Rippon"
Contestant Number Three "My name is Rippon"
Will the real Rippon please stand up?
I have requested that RIPP0N be changed to RIPP0N WV considering requests from posters, the fact there is another Rippon, and the history of his or her posts. After reading them, I want the clarification.
I have requested that RIPP0N be changed to RIPP0N WV considering requests from posters, the fact there is another Rippon, and the history of his or her posts. After reading them, I want the clarification.
You honestly did not know of another poster (me) who has gone by the handle of Rippon here for almost 8 years?
You honestly did not know of another poster (me) who has gone by the handle of Rippon here for almost 8 years? Are you really a new poster? Have you gone under another moniker on the BB before?
This is my last post on this subject. Not that I owe you any explanation, but there is a small town in Jefferson County WV named Rippon. At the time I signed up for BB, I had to change the O in Rippon to a zero because you had taken it up. I did not know it was going to cause such a stir.
After the other posters asked me nicely to put the WV on it, and after seeing your trail of posts, I will gladly change it. Being on here just a few times, I do not know what your game is, but I want no part of it.
I look forward to entering meaningful discussions on any spiritual subject in the near future.
No one in here posting and getting their jabs in is any better than the one they are jabbing, nor are they acting any differently than what they accuse. Mt. 7:1 :wavey:
You are correct in one sense but our mostly lower case friend has demonstrated himself to be all of the above (or not) many times on many topics. Personally...I just try to avoid him most of the time and that is a sad thing to say about someone you would call a brother.:tear: I don't mind if someone disagrees with me on anything...I don't profess any perfection in or of myself. There are some here on this board though who don't know how to disagree with others in a civil way. I do believe, as Romans 12:18 exhorts that "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men."
On the Matthew 7:1 has been my observation that it is usually lost people (or mean saved people) who "pull that one out" to make or prove a point. I would point people (for the sake of proper context) to the entire passage through verse 6 just to keep things balanced....and then only if I was certain that I was not guilty of ever doing the same. WE are commanded in John 7:24 to "judge righteous judgement". If I have offended ANYONE here then I ask forgiveness for doing so. Just for the record...that confession does NOT extend to the convictions that I hold too because I would NOT hold to them if I was not convinced that I was right about them. I want to be right with the Lord even if it means being wrong with everybody else. If I am wrong on anything, I trust that God will reveal that to me and lead me to change accordingly. It has happened before many times and I'm certain that it will happen again until I step into His presence. Even so,come Lord Jesus!
I have been guilty of this to a certain degree with a few posters that ring every bell I have in my body. As of late, I have made an effort (the lower case person is a good example) to either avoid them or keep my answers brief and simple. The trick to this is, with the Lord's help, is to get rid of the intense desire to have the last and best word, or to out insult the other person. In addition to the individual you mention, I can think of about four others that bring out the worst in me. It is my desire to overcome this and be a better person with the Lords help. No doubt, in my total being, posts like I have made to these individuals are a symptom of larger problems in my life. Praise the Lord we have the Holy Spirit and Jesus there to mold us into a more Godly person.
SN...that was very well said and almost precisely my own thoughts on the matter. Our primary goal in life once we are saved should be to be transformed as decribed in Romans 12:1-2 and conformed to His Son's image as described in Romans 8:29. I appreciate your thoughts on the matter. I can honestly say that I believe I would very much enjoy meeting and fellowshipping with you some day. God Bless You.