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two types of salvation

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ray Marshall

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pinoybaptist said:
Brother Ray:

As one PB to another, I would say thank you for your desire to rightly divide the word of God in the matter of salvation, but most folks here do not understand the concept.
It is one scale in their eyes that God had not yet removed.
I have time and again tried to point to the same direction but to no avail.
Most of the folks here are seminary-trained and therefore echo what they have been taught in their schools by professor who echo what they learned in their time and so on.
Understanding this concept takes time, and direction from the Holy Spirit.
Most folks on this board, even those who say they hold to the Doctrine of Grace, call Christ Redeemer, but I do not think they truly understand that as Redeemer Jesus Christ did in fact finish the redemption of His people at the cross here in time, and that there is none of His who will be born who are still under the curse of God because of the blood He has shed on the cross, and that all will be brought to regeneration by the Holy Spirit in His own time without means.
Therefore, knowing this, since He is the One who set this plan into motion Himself, Jesus Christ sent out His apostles to preach the good news of finished salvation, and to save as many as they (not us) can reach from the ungodly life, religions, and practices they were immersed in, and the apostles did a good job, too, under the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Most folks on this board do not understand that not all will be saved in a gospelly way, since human preachers do not have the ability to be everywhere at all times, and since human preachers do not know who God's elect are and where they are.

Hello to my brother (Pinpbaptist)
It's good to hear from you and one that has experience of the love and joy under the hearing of the Primitive Baptist ministries. I won't to thank you for writing to me. It is true that others that have commented on this thread and I wasn't aware that they thought the topic was out in left field. I wasn't aware that they had not been enlighted in the same way that you and I had been. Maybe it isn't their fault. . I have heard that in preaching in among their churches, they are used to hearing a choir singing and about a 20 minute discourse is what I have been told that is about all they can tolerate. I know these fellow brethern are children of GOD and they desire to do right as sincere as they can. My prayers and thoughts can be with them. When I started this thread, I meant no harm to any one. I have been hammered quiet hard by some of their comments. We, the Primitive Baptist have had our "Top of the mountain and down in the valley during our prilgrimage in this world and we need to be in the valley so that when we are brought up on high, we can be very spiritally up-lifted." I think I will withdraw my comments on my thread now. It'seems that I have hit a rock wall and nothing more needs to be discussed. I will be looking for you on this BB and may you and your family truely be blessed.


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Ray, do you believe a believer can be eternally saved while spending the millenial kingdom period in hell?


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ray Marshall said:
Hello to my brother (Pinpbaptist)
It's good to hear from you and one that has experience of the love and joy under the hearing of the Primitive Baptist ministries. I won't to thank you for writing to me. It is true that others that have commented on this thread and I wasn't aware that they thought the topic was out in left field. I wasn't aware that they had not been enlighted in the same way that you and I had been. Maybe it isn't their fault. . I have heard that in preaching in among their churches, they are used to hearing a choir singing and about a 20 minute discourse is what I have been told that is about all they can tolerate. I know these fellow brethern are children of GOD and they desire to do right as sincere as they can. My prayers and thoughts can be with them. When I started this thread, I meant no harm to any one. I have been hammered quiet hard by some of their comments. We, the Primitive Baptist have had our "Top of the mountain and down in the valley during our prilgrimage in this world and we need to be in the valley so that when we are brought up on high, we can be very spiritally up-lifted." I think I will withdraw my comments on my thread now. It'seems that I have hit a rock wall and nothing more needs to be discussed. I will be looking for you on this BB and may you and your family truely be blessed.

Wow. What a slap in the face with a candy covered bat!

I find this the most offensive comment from you:

"I have heard that in preaching in among their churches, they are used to hearing a choir singing and about a 20 minute discourse is what I have been told that is about all they can tolerate."

So all of the commenters on this thread are used to hearing a choir singing and a 20 minute discourse?? Umm - think again. Yesterday in church we ALL sang worship to our Lord Jesus Christ (no choir in our church) and then sat for an hour long sermon on Romans 9 and why Israel rejected the Messiah. How about you?

I don't think I've ever been as offended by a "brother" in all of my life.

There's a lot more I can say but I'd be kicked off the board, most likely. I'll be praying for you to learn the truth and the love of the bretheren.


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ray marshall said:
I think I will withdraw my comments on my thread now. It'seems that I have hit a rock wall and nothing more needs to be discussed.
Well, since the author of the OP has stated he will not participate in his own thread again, I say it should be closed. If people want to read up on Millenial Exclusion, they can go to the archives.


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webdog said:
Well, since the author of the OP has stated he will not participate in his own thread again, I say it should be closed. If people want to read up on Millenial Exclusion, they can go to the archives.

Is that what the "other" salvation is about? That would make more sense in the fact that it makes NO sense. LOL


New Member
If we look at the "context" of what's being addressed by the term, "salvation", I believe it is possible to see two kinds of salvation in Scripture. Of course there's salvation through God's Grace alone, which is "eternal salvation." Jesus fulfilled and completed to perfection that salvation at Calvary according to the Father's plan and purpose. We all know and praise God for this. But let's also remember that in scriptures such as Psalms 27, David proclaims the God is his light and salvation. How? As Lord for certain and foremost as seen in verses 1 and 2, but also in verses 3 and 4 as a "salvation" of David from his enemies that sought to kill him physically. This is in context a different type of salvation it seems to me. But in no way does temporal salvation override or replace eternal salvation.


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I think your term "salvation" is what everyone is hung up on. Salvation means to save from something (in the Annsni dictionary) - mostly salvation from eternal damnation.

However, when my cup runs over, that is blessing - not salvation. It's not really saving me from anything but giving me extra. So is blessing the same thing as your "other" salvation?
Salvation, in the canadyjd dictionary, is being in a right relationship with God.

The consequences of such a relationship include being spared the wrath of God during the great throne judgement (eternal damnation)…

As well as indwelling God Holy Spirit as proof of the relationship who guides us into all truth….

As well as always having Jesus as our advocate before our Father in heaven…

As well as God Holy Spirit enabling believers to accomplish God’s will upon the earth…

And many other benefits.

It does not mean….

No troubles in this life (Jesus promised persecution for His followers)..

That God necessarily wants you to be healthy or wealthy….

Peace to you


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What say ye of these two salvations?

It's not 'two salvations', it's two ASPECTS of our one salvation. We are totally passive in the eternal aspect of salvation of our souls, i.e., predestination, calling, quickening; but we are active in the timely aspect of our salvation in our lives on earth through belief and obedience to the gospel, which amounts to 'a foretaste of glory divine'. "The joy of the LORD is our strength".


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Yes, I don't know how to answer the physical salvation, but there are two types of salvation. Of course we know the eternal side of it. Someone said in this thread that David prayed for the lord to restore the joy of thy salvation. If there wasn't some type of time salvation, it would have a error of David to ask GOD to restore to him the joy of thy salvation, If no salvation in time salvation, why did he ask GOD to restore it unto him if there was no such thing?

Read what the verse says. "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation" David had not lost his salvation but rather the joy of the close relationship with God. His sin with Bathsheba had caused a separation between him and God. When confronted by Nathan he had confessed his sin and cried out to God.

God wants us to be close to him but sin that remains unconfessed makes that impossible.

There are not two types of salvation. You are either saved or lost.
We are saved in time when we trust in God and we will continue to be saved when we are with Him in eternity.
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