I understand some difficulty exists translating scripture properly and there are different types. I am mostly literalist but have been made aware of a problem.
In previous threads we have discussed we do not have a record of the universe nor earth being created just darkness was upon a unformed earth. I submitted that Lucifer was cast into this darkness. We also have Job 38:7 showing heavenly beings and those in darkness reacted to Light being made created in v 3. I was expecting to consider yowm or yom as not correctly translated in this case as "day" since the sun was not created yet,
It was pointed out today in another the the verse "evening and morning" was the first day. This is a literal translation but I have to consider since no 24 hour day or earth should it be considered something else as simple as beginning and end?
In previous threads we have discussed we do not have a record of the universe nor earth being created just darkness was upon a unformed earth. I submitted that Lucifer was cast into this darkness. We also have Job 38:7 showing heavenly beings and those in darkness reacted to Light being made created in v 3. I was expecting to consider yowm or yom as not correctly translated in this case as "day" since the sun was not created yet,
It was pointed out today in another the the verse "evening and morning" was the first day. This is a literal translation but I have to consider since no 24 hour day or earth should it be considered something else as simple as beginning and end?