If you want to catch a glimpse of the horrific, dystopian implications of socialized medicine, you need not skim through a science fiction novel. Simply look overseas to Europe, where yet another sick child has been sentenced to death by a U.K. death panel. First Charlie Gard and now this.
Little Alfie Evans was put into a coma by a mysterious brain condition that doctors still have not been able to diagnose. Doctors at Alder Hey hospital in London have decided that Alfie will never get better and his life is no longer worth living. His parents disagree. Much like the Charlie Gard case, Alfie's parents are not seeking to force the doctors at Alder Hey to perform medical procedures they do not want to perform. Rather, they want only to take their boy back into their own custody and transfer him to a Vatican hospital. But the London hospital refuses to give the child back to his parents, and the courts have sided with the hospital. They will not let Alfie leave. It is in his best interest to die, they say.
WALSH: U.K. Courts Sentence Another Baby To Death, Again Showing Why Socialized Medicine Is Evil
Little Alfie Evans was put into a coma by a mysterious brain condition that doctors still have not been able to diagnose. Doctors at Alder Hey hospital in London have decided that Alfie will never get better and his life is no longer worth living. His parents disagree. Much like the Charlie Gard case, Alfie's parents are not seeking to force the doctors at Alder Hey to perform medical procedures they do not want to perform. Rather, they want only to take their boy back into their own custody and transfer him to a Vatican hospital. But the London hospital refuses to give the child back to his parents, and the courts have sided with the hospital. They will not let Alfie leave. It is in his best interest to die, they say.
WALSH: U.K. Courts Sentence Another Baby To Death, Again Showing Why Socialized Medicine Is Evil