The Times is wrong. The two companies combined employ directly or indirectly about 800,000 people, and in contemplating the situation since my last post, I'd say less than half those jobs were actually in jeopardy. Had GM and Chrysler been forced to close their doors, some other company would have swooped in and bought off the pieces, and many would have kept their jobs, though perhaps not at the pay levels to which they had become accustomed. More idiocy from the liberal media, "championing" the Great Pretender while ignoring the fact it was George W. Bush who proposed the idea in the first place. I'll give the idiot in the White House "credit" for spending far more than Bush was willing to spend, and thereby losing money, whereas the Bush plan didn't involve buying GM stock or putting the U.S. in the car business. Way to go, Pretender!! Hoo-ahh!