The reasons for climate change are not well understood, but let's get some "political" perspective.
Modern scientists hold to a billions of years old earth. According to this, there have been huge ice ages, and cyclical periods of glacials and interglacials within. Currently we are in the warming period of a major ice age and apparently within a warming period of a G-I cycle, but appear to have been holding remarkably (miraculously?) steady over the past 12,000 years or so. As part of all this, plate tectonics, including volcanoes, play an enormous part, as have various life forms, and have done so for much longer than man has been around; but these in turn are affected by the Sun's brightness and heat and Earth's orbital eccentricity, axial angle and rotational wobble.
How much mankind is able to affect all of this (OK, on the count of three, everyone on this side, JUMP!) has hardly been established scientifically, but I am certain the USA is not the worst culprit.
So excuse me if I reject the notion that being taxed by the trillions while importing Chinese junk for our landfills as they further pollute the earth in general is a great approach to addressing climate change. It is definitely not good politically, as China's communism is blatantly anti-Christian and anti-American. I suggest instead that we impose our standards of treatment of workers and citizens on them, as well as our standards of production quality and environmental protection. Just allowing their Christians to share the Gospel unfettered could produce massive positive change for them and the world. How about it?