Which one is it? Was justice served here or were they negligent? And I don't what you think you're quoting but Kelli really does show poor judgement, bad lifestyle choices, and has a classic victim mentality (everybody's wrong except poor me, boo hoo hoo).
What Chris was trying to say was that she had to have known this guy was off, after popping his kids out one after the other, else she's just incredibly stupid, and she sounds like she is. This stalker had been going from place to place looking for her rapist lover boy:
Young girls 'left crying' when Britain First leaders arrived outside their home
Frankly, I think that woman Franzen is crazy and I'm glad she's gone but do you see that Kelli's squeeze had two older children by another woman that this nut approached?
And this happened on May 7, then she delivers a stillborn baby at 25 weeks gestation in September? If that's true, she couldn't have been more than seven weeks' pregnant and the baby delivered stillborn means the child died before or during delivery ... why did they not even try to stop labor? Too many questions and gaps to just blame one traumatizing incident for this.
"Even the day I gave birth I was convinced she was still alive. The funeral took a long time to arrange so I went to see her for two weeks every day."