1. Monarchists attacked Trump, the son of a Scotswoman for stepping in front of the Queen; however, they hardly mentioned that the son of a Kenyan spoke over "God Save The Queen." And the left did not send up a balloon over their stronghold of London showing Obama in a diaper.
2. The "Mirror" said that Trump sat in a chair used by Churchill. Talk about needing some new furniture. Churchill called for a Christian civilization and more or less called Islam barbaric. Obama sided with Argentina and complained of bad food from the Queen and a rodent infested setting.
3. The UK called racism on Trump. But Muhammad insisted that he was white, and Jamie Glazov says that he has been unable to find out what race ex-Muslims are. Muhammad is called the white prophet with black slaves.
4. The French in the 1990s coined the term "Londonistan" to describe the terrorist activity and jihadist central planning taking place in London.
5. Israel can supply natural gas to a large part of Europe and is trying to construct a pipeline at this time.
6. 75% of the land promised by the League of Nations to the Jews was given by the UK to Jordan. I guess the UK undercut the League of Nations long before Italy or Japan.
7. The UK on December 9, 1917, took Jerusalme under General Allenby. However, Governor Ronald Storrs had officers who rejected the Balfour Declaration calling for the restoration of Israel to the Jews.
8. The UK promoted Haj Amin Al-Husseini, who eventually became a Nazi colloborator and helped establish the Waffen-SS Handschar Divisions to assist the Wehrmach.