Ukraine’s war began with Ukraine’s Coup in February 2014
Ukraine's War Began With Ukraine's Coup In February 2014, NOT With Russia's Invasion In February 2022
Connecting the dots is not even hard. Unpleasant, but not hard. There comes a time when Americans need to realize the true nature of our country. Change begins with recognizing reality.
"The key fact shown in that video is the phone-conversation in which Obama’s official who had planned and run the coup, Victoria Nuland, was instructing the U.S. Ambassador in Kiev, whom to get appointed (at the coup’s end) to replace the soon-to-be-overthrown democratically elected President of Ukraine, so as to run the country on an interim basis for Obama, until either of two Obama-approved Presidential candidates would subsequently be ‘democratically’ elected to form a ‘democratic’ government of Ukraine, who would be 100% dependent upon the U.S. Government and its vassal governments that comprise the EU."
Ukraine's War Began With Ukraine's Coup In February 2014, NOT With Russia's Invasion In February 2022
Connecting the dots is not even hard. Unpleasant, but not hard. There comes a time when Americans need to realize the true nature of our country. Change begins with recognizing reality.
"The key fact shown in that video is the phone-conversation in which Obama’s official who had planned and run the coup, Victoria Nuland, was instructing the U.S. Ambassador in Kiev, whom to get appointed (at the coup’s end) to replace the soon-to-be-overthrown democratically elected President of Ukraine, so as to run the country on an interim basis for Obama, until either of two Obama-approved Presidential candidates would subsequently be ‘democratically’ elected to form a ‘democratic’ government of Ukraine, who would be 100% dependent upon the U.S. Government and its vassal governments that comprise the EU."