I loved Henry Hyde!Well, certainly not according to the late Congressman Henry Hyde:
"There are things in the Constitution that have been overtaken by events and are no longer relevant to a modern society. Declaration of war is one of them. Your motion is inappropriate, anachronistic, and it isn't done anymore."
- U.S. Representative Henry Hyde, Oct. 3, 2002
I don't know the context of this quote....but, reading it, it sounds as though Hyde is essentially in agreement with me on this. It seems he is actually saying that "Declaration of War" is an obsolete concept altogether.
I don't actually agree with that, but, if you read the first two sentences (in a vacuum) it seems he is saying that declaring war is anachronistic altogether and unnecessary.
I think that's over-stating the case and generally, I agree with your views....I just don't ground them on the power to declare war.