Even if folks come in late, give glory to God that at least they came. So what if they get up to get a drink of water, at least they came. So what if the guy burps, he came to church. So what if they're whispering back and forth, they came! What they do in church is between them and the Lord. Focusing on what others are doing or not doing is not helping YOU at all. Focus on YOU. Focus on quieting your heart and your mind to listen to what the Lord is trying to teach you through your pastor's sermon.
The same people come to church late. The same guy burps in church almost every Sunday and every mid-week Bible study. The same people get up and grab another donut or drink during the time the pastor prays. No, the focus is NOT on me, the focus should be on the house of the Lord, and respect that should be shown. Would people who show up to work 20 minutes late still have a job? Maybe, and maybe not.
I get what you're saying and can appreciate that. I take notes and keep my focus on the message. BUT... take today for example. One guy was playing football on his iPhone. A girl was Facebooking. A couple was text messaging back and forth. How did I know? The flashing of a touchdown and the vibration of a receiving text message. I'm not the only one who has a problem with this and I purposely get up and move if it comes a distraction.
Disregard for manners in the house of the LORD is what the problem is, and speaking with my pastor tonight, he agrees- and will say something next week. Like I told him, some people are at different levels in their walk with Christ. First-time visitors shouldn't be subjected to a guy carelessly belching every week.
The question wasn't what I can and cannot deal with, it was about unacceptable behavior. There should be a standard, and that standard begins with respect in God's house. Not just respect for other people, but for the message being preached.