It seems anything else would be a works gospel. It took some time for me to come around to this. The very idea that we have it within ourselves to respond to the Gospel and a Holy God is laughable. It shows that some do not realize the depth of depravity in man caused by sin. It affects all of Creation, not just man. The theory of "a spark of goodness" in us treats depravity like it is a common cold. Secondly if we could muster up a self induced response to the Gospel, it is just another thing we have to "do" for salvation. We do not "do" anything. It is a gift from God. We have created all sorts of "dos" over the centuries. Things like self effort to respond to the Gospel, be baptized, maintain a certain level of behavior or lose salvation, etc. Faith and grace that are the elements of salvation are also gifts of God.
Another thing, free will of man is bounded by our sinful nature. We can only exercise free will as fallen creatures. Without a touch from God (Spirit) we have no desire to respond. I always hear the whosoever will argument. The point is whosoever will won't unless God quickens them.
Nuh huh......