Rev 13:16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,
Rev 13:17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Rev 13:18 This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.
I'm going to introduce this issue with sufficient evidence to make you aware. This should cause you to ask questions so you can be more fully informed. My history on this goes back to 1982. I've been warning people about this ever since then, and the Lord Jesus has shown me much over these decades that I can impart to you.
First off, the apostle John tells us that it takes wisdom to understand the mark of the beast, meaning it's not obvious.
The UPC barcode is the mark of the beast.
Are you familiar with morse code (dots and dashes to represent the letters of the alphabet)? Well likewise, binary numbers are used to represent all the characters on the keyboard (letters, numbers, symbols).
Now perhaps you are already familiar with binary numbers from being around PC's and maybe even the DOS operating system from the 1980's, etc. Well you then are probably familiar that in computer language the binary system started out as 8-bit, then went to 16-bit, then 32-bit, and then 64-bit code.
As an example, keeping this simple, in an 8-bit binary number there are a string of eight 1's and 0's which represent a number, letter, or symbol, such as:
W represented by 01010111
X represented by 01011000
So in those 8 positions, you can have either a one or a zero. (More info than is pertinent to this thread, but the reason for 1's and 0's is that when an electron is running down the wire on a piece of silicon on your computer motherboard (or graphics card, or whatever), there are switches on it which open and close. And this can be easily represented when writing software. And when a 1 comes to the switch it opens it up and goes down a path, and if a 0 comes to that switch it closes the switch and goes down a different wire. Or something like that. Computers are not smart at all. It's just that they can process 1's and 0's, the opening and closing of switches, really fast. And again, the strings of those 1's and 0's represent characters, and then words, then paragraphs get sent, etc.)
The interesting thing about the UPC barcode is that it uses a proprietary system. Nothing at all like what is used in typical PC or MAC software code. The UPC barcode uses a 7-bit binary number using this scheme (more to come on next post):
Rev 13:17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Rev 13:18 This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.
I'm going to introduce this issue with sufficient evidence to make you aware. This should cause you to ask questions so you can be more fully informed. My history on this goes back to 1982. I've been warning people about this ever since then, and the Lord Jesus has shown me much over these decades that I can impart to you.
First off, the apostle John tells us that it takes wisdom to understand the mark of the beast, meaning it's not obvious.
The UPC barcode is the mark of the beast.
Are you familiar with morse code (dots and dashes to represent the letters of the alphabet)? Well likewise, binary numbers are used to represent all the characters on the keyboard (letters, numbers, symbols).
Now perhaps you are already familiar with binary numbers from being around PC's and maybe even the DOS operating system from the 1980's, etc. Well you then are probably familiar that in computer language the binary system started out as 8-bit, then went to 16-bit, then 32-bit, and then 64-bit code.
As an example, keeping this simple, in an 8-bit binary number there are a string of eight 1's and 0's which represent a number, letter, or symbol, such as:
W represented by 01010111
X represented by 01011000
So in those 8 positions, you can have either a one or a zero. (More info than is pertinent to this thread, but the reason for 1's and 0's is that when an electron is running down the wire on a piece of silicon on your computer motherboard (or graphics card, or whatever), there are switches on it which open and close. And this can be easily represented when writing software. And when a 1 comes to the switch it opens it up and goes down a path, and if a 0 comes to that switch it closes the switch and goes down a different wire. Or something like that. Computers are not smart at all. It's just that they can process 1's and 0's, the opening and closing of switches, really fast. And again, the strings of those 1's and 0's represent characters, and then words, then paragraphs get sent, etc.)
The interesting thing about the UPC barcode is that it uses a proprietary system. Nothing at all like what is used in typical PC or MAC software code. The UPC barcode uses a 7-bit binary number using this scheme (more to come on next post):
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