@NewMusic, earlier you pointed out that the UPC was developed in 1973. It's been nearly 50 years and the "Great Tribulation" is supposed to last 7 years (according to popular opinion). We've gone through financial crises since then, most notably the crisis in 2008. We are very likely to go through another crisis soon. This will not change how we conduct business. We buy more and more items online, so a physical mark on the hand or forehead wouldn't affect that. For in person shopping, we will continue to use our debit cards, credit cards, cash, checks, etc. Neither the government nor any other entity will force everyone to have a UPC code stamped on them like a tattoo. I suspect you are reading into Scripture.
St. John uses a lot of symbolism in Revelation. I suggest that the "Mark of the Beast" is a symbolic term for those who follow the Beast, just as the Christians have the "seal of God" on their foreheads. A sly Devil wouldn't use something so obvious as a literal mark on the hand or forehead, as that is exactly what so many Christians expect.
Lodic, you and the others are missing the point. Completely.
The UPC barcode's Framework is specifically 6 6 6. That is fact.
The implementation of their last phase, forcing humans to be marked in order to buy or sell, is very literal and it reads literally in the prophecy. And we are told WHEN this last phase will get implemented. I told you in a previous post already. If you choose to ignore all this, it's on you.
But more importantly, not a one of you even bothered to follow the ramifications of what I demonstrated and ask any questions pertaining to it.
For if the UPC is in fact the mark of the beast (and it is), you should ask where did it come from? And that would give you a major clue as to the identification of the beast. And you would then see that the "symbolism" in Revelation symbolizes something quite literal.
The 7-headed beast is indeed an allegory. It symbolizes something. Something real. There are no living creatures that have more than one head, let alone seven. Now organizations, that is another matter.
But I'm not going to explain to anyone all these things since you and others have chosen to remain blind.
I will say this, though, because it pertains to this last post of yours:
The New World Order is a term that in truth reflects the agenda of that beast. And this New World Order (beast) did not spring up during the past year. It's been in existence already for 100 years. Obviously, the Satanic system described by Jesus and Daniel and John, and other apostles, had to continue gaining strength, grow and develop, and affect their agenda on the minds of humanity. And it is succeeding wonderfully.
It did not occur in a single year.
So if you had any awareness at all, you would already understand what I just wrote.
Hypothetical Analogy: And if you happened to be a Jew in Germany during the 1930's and there was a "bible" that revealed that a character (Hitler and his organization with Himmler) was going to come to power and start executing Jews in a few short years, a wise person who was Jewish would have had the sense to get out of Germany before all that began to play itself out, if they had such a book and had read it.
Likewise, for the Saints during the End Days. There is a lot of content on this subject that is written with solemn warnings. The wise and prudent saints will not slumber.
For those who have ears to hear.
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