Americans are a people who respect the democratic principle of government. Of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is we, the people, who decide who our leaders will be, according to the US Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land.
When the people have spoken it is incumbent upon all liberty loving people, who respect the democratic process by which we elect leadership, to honor that decision of the people.
Liberty loving people honor the office the man is elected to, and we honor the person the people have elected. We may disagree with some or even all of the principles by which that person governs or lives, but we may NOT disrespect the man nor the office without disrespecting the will of the people who put him there.
And disrespecting the foundational principle of our republic is to disrespect the Constitution, the flag, and the people who make up this great nation. To reject the will of the people is to commit treason against the very basis of our form of government.
I did not like many of President Obama's policies. I believe he was a weak President who did much damage to our international reputation. But the people spoke, twice. He was my President. And I respected both him and the office he occupied. To do otherwise would have been unamerican.