<img src=/532.jpg>Banned
Some interesting thoughts that I have observed:
1. The Dems and liberals have spent the past year and a half calling Bush stupid, advancing looney conspiracy theories, saying that Bush knew about 9-11 and lied to get us into war. They have spent all of this time deriding and dividing the nation with fear. They told the young they were going to be drafted. They told the old they were going to starve. They told black people they were going to be disenfranchised. They told those with dibilitating diseases that Bush was the one keeping them sick. They pitted our allies against the European Community.
2. Now, that they have lost, they want to lecture us on uniting the nation that they divided and act like it was all Bush's fault. At the same time, they blame their loss not on the incompetence of the Kerry campaign to move to the center and distance themselves from the bitter looney left, but on the stupidity of us rednecls in the South who blindly followed Bush because we are braindead religious people. They don't get it.
3. It seems to me that the contradiction in these two messages goes to the point that what the Libs really want is conformity, not unity. They would like for us to abandon our vision, our message, and our agenda. They don't respect our diversity, but demand that we respect theirs as if it were a civil right. They don't want unity. They don't want compromise. They want us to surrender.
Well, my answer to that is not on your life. We won. You loss. If you really want unity, then get behind the President and America's elected vision for this country and put away your divisive hatred.
Joseph Botwinick
1. The Dems and liberals have spent the past year and a half calling Bush stupid, advancing looney conspiracy theories, saying that Bush knew about 9-11 and lied to get us into war. They have spent all of this time deriding and dividing the nation with fear. They told the young they were going to be drafted. They told the old they were going to starve. They told black people they were going to be disenfranchised. They told those with dibilitating diseases that Bush was the one keeping them sick. They pitted our allies against the European Community.
2. Now, that they have lost, they want to lecture us on uniting the nation that they divided and act like it was all Bush's fault. At the same time, they blame their loss not on the incompetence of the Kerry campaign to move to the center and distance themselves from the bitter looney left, but on the stupidity of us rednecls in the South who blindly followed Bush because we are braindead religious people. They don't get it.
3. It seems to me that the contradiction in these two messages goes to the point that what the Libs really want is conformity, not unity. They would like for us to abandon our vision, our message, and our agenda. They don't respect our diversity, but demand that we respect theirs as if it were a civil right. They don't want unity. They don't want compromise. They want us to surrender.
Well, my answer to that is not on your life. We won. You loss. If you really want unity, then get behind the President and America's elected vision for this country and put away your divisive hatred.
Joseph Botwinick