Wherever the spread of Calvinism went from Geneva onward there also went the spread of persecution, just as Calvin enacted in his state-church, executing some, banishing others who did not conform to his creed.
Christians should not lie. You are lying DHK.
McGrath :
Life Of Calvin
"The image of Calvin as 'dictator of Geneva' bears no relation to the known facts of history." (p.109)
Otto Scott :
The Great Christian Revolution
"Calvin never ruled Geneva. The city was not a totalitarian society, but a Republic, with elections and dissent. Calvin held no civil office, could neither arrest nor punish any citizen, appoint or dismiss any official. To argue that his eloquence and logic constituted tyranny is to invent a new standard." (p.57)
Bernard Cottret :
Calvin:A Biography
"Geneva, in fact, was never a theocracy...the ministry and the magistracy, were never one and the same...To sum up, Calvin did not take over the state; he was neither a commanding general nor an ayatolla.(p.159)
" The consistory therefore could not inflict any penalties; it had only limited doctrinal competence."(p.166)
"We must avoid the simplistic idea of a religious reformation controlling the civil power to erect a theocratic, indeed fundamentalist state. It fact, it was almost the opposite." (p.114)
"The Consistory Court...could only use the spiritual sword, and had nothing to do with civil and temporal punishment, which belonged exclusively to the Council."
"It is a mistake, therefore, to call him the head of the Republic, except in a purely intellectual and moral sense."
Basil Hall
"If Calvin had dictatorial control over Genevan affairs,how is it that records of Geneva show him plainly to have been the servant of its Council which on many occasions rejected out of hand Calvin's wishes...To call Calvin the 'dictator of a theocracy' is, in view of the evidence, mere phrase-making prejudice."
Francois Wendel :
"Calvin not only never succeeded in putting the Genevan Magistracy under the tutelage of the Church; he never even announced the need for such a tutelage, which is precisely what characterizes a genuinely theocratic system" (p.309)