Ed Edwards: //When you focus on words - you are nearing 'magic'.
(Forbidden by God: 'Wizard" = male who practices magic, 'Witch' = female who practices
magic, etc.)//
Ehud: //So those who believe God preserved his Word are like witches?//
You jumped to a non-biblical, un-christian conclusion.
Ehud: //Word used 675 times
Message used 7 times//
Again, I said and I beleive and you seem to have ignored:
The Written of God = The Written Words of God = the written message of God
Ehud: //I guess the the Bible is a magic book, and the psalmist are like witches. And what
about Jesus
WOW! we are getting sillier all the time. what magical nonsense.//
You jumped to a non-biblical, un-christian conclusion.
The Bible CANNOT contradict itself either within one Version nor among the Versions.
Contradictions are made by man.
Ehud: //Let's get back to being Biblical and scriptural.//
I agree. Let us start with you.
The fundamentals of traditional fundamentalism:
1. the inspiration and infallibility of scripture
2. the deity of Christ (including His virgin birth)
3. the substitutionary atonement of Christ's death
4. the literal resurrection of Christ from the dead
5. the literal return of Christ in the Second Advent
Note the first one is about the Written Word of God,
the Holy Bible (AKA: Holy Scripture).
Note that #2 to #5 (the last four) are about
the Living Word of God, Messiah Jesus.
Notice that a person (even if He is a spiritual person)
is NOT the same as a Book (even if it is the
best book in the world).
To equate the Written Word of God and the Living
Word of God is a step away from the Fundamentals
of Christianity. To equate the Written Word of God
and the Living Word of God is a step toward
a NEW AGE belief.
The next step toward the NEW AGE belief concerning
the Holy Scripture is to use the Divine Bible
(third person of the Holy Trinity) as a divination device
and a fortune telling tool: i.e. using
some Bible Code on the King James Version 1769
Edition ONLY.
The Bible Codes are a direct violation of the ETERNAL
LAW OF GOD as shown in Deuternomoty 18:10-12
(note that for clarity I use, as my signature suggests, more than one translation)
Deuter 18:10-12 (Geneva Bible, 1599 Edition)
Deuter 18:10-12 (KJV1611 Edition):
Deuter 18:10-12 (HCSB = Christian Standard Bible /Holman, 2003/ )
Geneva 10A. or that vseth witchcraft,
KJV1611 10A. or that vseth diuination,
HCSB 10A. practice divination,
Geneva 10B. or a regarder of times,
KJV1611 10B. or an obseruer of times,
HCSB 10B. tell fortunes,
Geneva 10C. or a marker of the flying of foules,
KJV1611 10C. or an inchanter,
HCSB 10C. interpret omens,
Geneva 10D. or a sorcerer,
KJV1611 10D. or a witch,
HCSB 10D. practice sorcery,
Geneva 11A. Or a charmer,
KJV1611 11A. Or a charmer,
HCSB 11A. cast spells,
Geneva 11B. or that counselleth with spirits,
KJV1611 11B. or a consulter with familiar spirits,
HCSB 11B. or (consult) a familiar spirit,
Geneva 11C. or a soothsaier,
KJV1611 11C. or a wyzard,
HCSB 11C. consult a medium
Geneva 11D. or that asketh counsel at ye dead.
KJV1611 11D. or a Necromancer.
HCSB 11D. or inquire of the dead.
What is Deut 18:10-12 speaking of? What offence do these things make before God?
IMHO they are attempts to deal with the Forces of the Universe and GO AROUND God
trying to IGNORE God.
in Dictionary.com this is the definition of SORCERY:
the art, practices, or spells of a person who is supposed to exercise supernatural powers through the aid of evil spirits; black magic; witchery (this term dates from 1259-1300).
in Dictionary.com this is the definition of DIVINATION:
the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means. (this term dates from 1350-1400)