Right, and people familiar with truth should know that if we want truth, the media is not the place to find it. We should also know that the regimes such as those in Canada and the US stand for evil in many ways. The media also. The proof believers would want comes from God and His word. Does God want millions to starve over hyped up lockdowns? Does God want babies killed and their bodies used for various purposes like research? Does God want to hush up cures for a disease while promoting only one method that requires believing liars and a heavy handed power grab as well? Does God want believers to be able to meet, or would He prefer muting worship songs, meetings, bible studies and etc? Does God want all people on earth to receive an experimental needle to be able to buy or sell or move? Believers might weigh in with the bible to see what is from God and what has bad fruit.
Right, I think the better policy might be to automatically disbelieve mainstream media unless evidenced and confirmed, and to also take all media with a grain of salt. Everything the known liars of mainstream media say should be tossed out of court so to speak.
For the world, truth is whatever they wish that particular day, that is about right. However the actual truth changes not. When we know the truth in our hearts, the voice of another we will not follow. His sheep know His voice. They can tell when the wolves are pretending to be good. When we see a wicked regime advocating mass murder of babies, and the molestation of children with lies and unnatural sexual teachings, and the hatred of God and His word, and the persecution of believers, and etc -we can know that whatever it says is probably sinister and dangerous and wrong! As for the articles saying that there are many ways to fight the bio weapon disease and it's variants the question we should be asking is why has this not been promoted and at the front and centre of the approach to deal with it? Instead it is obvious that such alternatives have been attacked and buried since the days of Trump in the media.
I understand. Most people I know did the same. The only fix offered was basically the shots. Personally. I do not like the folks advocating this new world order and 'reality' such as the Biden regime, the Trudeau regime, social media giants, the mainstream media propaganda machine, Fauci or the medical system heads and voices hired by governments, etc. I lean toward Psalm 1 as my guide there. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly!
I never said you did fear. The people I know had mixed reasons for getting the experimental needles. Some did fear because of compromised health. Some had worked in the system and basically just had blind trust in it, as well as a distrust for anyone questioning it as a whole. Others just wanted to travel soon, and not be treated as outcasts or disadvantaged financially etc.