Urgent prayer request...
Last night at work, I had to draw blood from a patient. He’s a likable guy, but does handle rather rough language..f-bombs, G.D., and so on. He’s a nursing home patient who’s in pretty rough shape. I said something about God and he said he thought I was a Christian and was a good man. I told him what Jesus said to the RYR about being good. Before I left I said he ought to think about Christianity and as I was leaving he said there was no hope for him. Well, I slammed on the breaks and started talking to him. I then went back to his bedside and told him about all Jesus did. I told him about the thief on the right side and how Jesus saved him, even though he was about to die. Tears started streaming down his face and I was trying to keep my composure. I told him about how wicked Saul of Tarsus was and how Jesus presented Himself to Saul. I then began to say something else and he asked me to speak more about Paul. I gave him five barrels full.
I told him that if he truly sought God he’d find Him. I also told him this has to come from his heart(I explained to him the heart was not the blood pump but his inner being) , that he had to call out to him from his inner being, with all he had. I can’t remember what else I said, but I told him that Jesus died to save wicked ppl, that He was buried for theee days and nights and He rose the third morning for their justification. That when He saves them, they stand before the Father as if they had never sinned in their life. That they stand before the Father and the Father sees them through Jesus.
Please pray for this man.

Last night at work, I had to draw blood from a patient. He’s a likable guy, but does handle rather rough language..f-bombs, G.D., and so on. He’s a nursing home patient who’s in pretty rough shape. I said something about God and he said he thought I was a Christian and was a good man. I told him what Jesus said to the RYR about being good. Before I left I said he ought to think about Christianity and as I was leaving he said there was no hope for him. Well, I slammed on the breaks and started talking to him. I then went back to his bedside and told him about all Jesus did. I told him about the thief on the right side and how Jesus saved him, even though he was about to die. Tears started streaming down his face and I was trying to keep my composure. I told him about how wicked Saul of Tarsus was and how Jesus presented Himself to Saul. I then began to say something else and he asked me to speak more about Paul. I gave him five barrels full.
I told him that if he truly sought God he’d find Him. I also told him this has to come from his heart(I explained to him the heart was not the blood pump but his inner being) , that he had to call out to him from his inner being, with all he had. I can’t remember what else I said, but I told him that Jesus died to save wicked ppl, that He was buried for theee days and nights and He rose the third morning for their justification. That when He saves them, they stand before the Father as if they had never sinned in their life. That they stand before the Father and the Father sees them through Jesus.
Please pray for this man.