1. And I suppose you actually believe that.
2. Members of the National Guard are first and foremost members of the United States Army. Their Chain of Command includes the Governer of their State or Commonwealth, which allows them to preform duty on a local level
I rarely agree with billwald, but considering the attempted takeover of this nation by the left, this is not such an asinine post.
Just how far do you thing this current administration would go if we had the same firearms policies of Australia, Canada, Britain etc.?
They were willing to try to take over healthcare by any means ASAP, and would have been successful if we had depended on the MSM (the watch dog of govt ---HA!!) to keep the public informed.
They have injected their minions into banking & auto production in the private sector to get a foothold (the camel's nose under the tent analogy).
Should they ever get the firearms policies they want, they will have a clear path for the UN (or whatever) forces to move in with minimum resistance.
Make no mistake, given an opportunity, the left (whether R or D is immaterial) will turn us into a socialist country muy pronto with nary a glance or care at your hardships or concerns.
Any thinking person can see that possibility with the myriad laws that ignore the constitution that emanate from our so-called "government of, for, and by the people"!