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US Ordering 34 Million Green Cards for Illegal Plan Read Latest Breaking News from N


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Is Obama secretly planning an immigrant amnesty by ordering 34 million work permits

Is the White House quietly preparing to issue an executive order after the November midterm elections that would provide amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants – including work permits and green cards for up to 34 million immigrants?

According to rumors first reported by Breitbart.com, President Obama will release an immigration bombshell in the form of an executive order later this year.

The conservative site first discovered a draft of an online solicitation by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services that seeks vendors that can produce up to 34 million blank work permits and green cards over the next five years.

Recommended: Could you pass a US citizenship test?

President Obama appears “to be getting his ducks in a row” before legalizing illegal residents by executive order, Bob Dane, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a politically conservative immigration group that seeks to stop most immigration, told Watchdog.org.

Specifically, the draft solicitation seeks vendors that can produce a minimum of 4 million cards per year for five years, and 9 million in the early stages – larger than the official estimates of 12 million illegal immigrants in the US.

The draft solicitation “seems to indicate that the president is contemplating an enormous executive action that is even more expansive than the plan that Congress rejected in the 'Gang of Eight' bill,” Jessica Vaughan, an immigration expert at the Center for Immigration Studies and former State Department official, told Breitbart.com.

How likely is it that the rumors are true, and Obama is indeed planning executive action on immigration?

President Obama will go ahead with a “very significant” executive action on immigration after the summer, Senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer told reporters at a Monitor breakfast in July. He added that the action would be so significant it may well trigger impeachment proceedings against the President.



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Obama seeks 34 million blank green cards, work permits

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama administration wants 34 million blank work permits and green cards as the White House prepares to issue an executive order on amnesty after the November election.

An online solicitation by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services seeks vendors that can produce a minimum 4 million cards per year for five years, and 9 million in the early stages.

If the numbers reported by Breitbart.com on Monday are correct, they are vastly larger than official estimates of 12 million illegal residents in this country.

“There aren’t enough federal employees from here to Pluto to do adequate background checks on 34 million,” said Bob Dane, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

Dane told Watchdog.org that President Obama appears “to be getting his ducks in a row” before legalizing illegal residents by executive fiat.

“It’s another petulant display of contempt of Congress,” he said.

A USCIS official told MailOnline the solicitation for green cards was published “in case the president makes the move we think he will.”



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USA POLITICS Is Obama secretly planning an immigrant amnesty by ordering 34 million w

Is the White House quietly preparing to issue an executive order after the November midterm elections that would provide amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants – including work permits and green cards for up to 34 million immigrants?

According to rumors first reported by Breitbart.com, President Obama will release an immigration bombshell in the form of an executive order later this year.

The conservative site first discovered a draft of an online solicitation by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services that seeks vendors that can produce up to 34 million blank work permits and green cards over the next five years.

Recommended: Could you pass a US citizenship test?
President Obama appears “to be getting his ducks in a row” before legalizing illegal residents by executive order, Bob Dane, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a politically conservative immigration group that seeks to stop most immigration, told Watchdog.org.

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGECould you pass a US citizenship test?
VIDEO Is Obama administration preparing millions of new immigrant IDs?

PHOTOS OF THE DAY Photos of the day 10/21
Specifically, the draft solicitation seeks vendors that can produce a minimum of 4 million cards per year for five years, and 9 million in the early stages – larger than the official estimates of 12 million illegal immigrants in the US.

The draft solicitation “seems to indicate that the president is contemplating an enormous executive action that is even more expansive than the plan that Congress rejected in the 'Gang of Eight' bill,” Jessica Vaughan, an immigration expert at the Center for Immigration Studies and former State Department official, told Breitbart.com.

How likely is it that the rumors are true, and Obama is indeed planning executive action on immigration?

President Obama will go ahead with a “very significant” executive action on immigration after the summer, Senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer told reporters at a Monitor breakfast in July. He added that the action would be so significant it may well trigger impeachment proceedings against the President.



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Exclusive: Obama administration quietly prepares 'surge' of millions of new immigrant

Despite no official action from the president ahead of the election, the Obama administration has quietly begun preparing to issue millions of work authorization permits, suggesting the implementation of a large-scale executive amnesty may have already begun.
Unnoticed until now, a draft solicitation for bids issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Oct. 6 says potential vendors must be capable of handling a “surge” scenario of 9 million id cards in one year “to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements.”
The request for proposals says the agency will need a minimum of four million cards per year. In the “surge,” scenario in 2016, the agency would need an additional five million cards – more than double the baseline annual amount for a total of 9 million.
“The guaranteed minimum for each ordering period is 4,000,000 cards. The estimated maximum for the entire contract is 34,000,000 cards,” the document says.
The agency is buying the materials need to construct both Permanent Residency Cards (PRC), commonly known as green cards, as well as Employment Authorization Documentation (EAD) cards which have been used to implement President Obama's “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) program. The RFP does not specify how many of each type of card would be issued.
Jessica Vaughan, an immigration expert at the Center for Immigration Studies and former State Department official, said the document suggests a new program of remarkable breadth.
The RFP “seems to indicate that the president is contemplating an enormous executive action that is even more expansive than the plan that Congress rejected in the 'Gang of Eight' bill,” Vaughan said.


matt wade

Well-Known Member
Oh, get off your high horse. In 3 days, that'll be the only number you hear anywhere.

Then you're going to have to explain away the other news sources that are using the same number. (8 of them at my last count)

Kinda funny, really, to watch you make such a big deal over such a trivial matter. :laugh:

I applaud the original poster for obeying the law.:applause:

For obeying the law? What law are you talking about? If I am reading between the lines properly, you think there is some sort of law that says the forum topic title has to be the same as the new article or the poster is in some sort of copyright violation?

matt wade

Well-Known Member
Wow...the Reverend learned how to copy and paste! Oh yeah, never mind, he's always known how to do that. It's exactly how he starts every thread he starts on this board. He's in capable of original thought and so all he ever does is copy and past snippets from news articles.


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For obeying the law? What law are you talking about? If I am reading between the lines properly, you think there is some sort of law that says the forum topic title has to be the same as the new article or the poster is in some sort of copyright violation?

The internet is not exempt from the doctrine of "Fair use".

You didn't know that?

Changing the title of a written work while quoting an excerpt of said work could put one in violation of the fair use of copyrighted material. You didn't know that?

One could be held liable for such use. Really now, you must have known that.

matt wade

Well-Known Member
The internet is not exempt from the doctrine of "Fair use".

You didn't know that?

Changing the title of a written work while quoting an excerpt of said work could put one in violation of the fair use of copyrighted material. You didn't know that?

One could be held liable for such use. Really now, you must have known that.

You are speaking in complete ignorance. There is no law, copyright or any other, that requires one to maintain the same title from a news article to a forum post. However you try and explain it you will be wrong.


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You are speaking in complete ignorance. There is no law, copyright or any other, that requires one to maintain the same title from a news article to a forum post. However you try and explain it you will be wrong.

Yeah, right.:rolleyes:

If you say so.


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You made the claim that it is required for a forum post title to be exactly the same as the article it references. Provide proof or retract.

It's just not worth the effort. What I said was the internet is not exempt from the Fair Use Doctrine and changing the title of an article from which you took an excerpt could put one in violation of that doctrine. I stand by that remark.

Since you don't know what the Fair Use doctrine is, why don't you educate yourself first.


Well-Known Member
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Is the White House quietly preparing to issue an executive order after the November midterm elections that would provide amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants – including work permits and green cards for up to 34 million immigrants?

According to rumors first reported by Breitbart.com, President Obama will release an immigration bombshell in the form of an executive order later this year.

The conservative site first discovered a draft of an online solicitation by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services that seeks vendors that can produce up to 34 million blank work permits and green cards over the next five years.

Recommended: Could you pass a US citizenship test?
President Obama appears “to be getting his ducks in a row” before legalizing illegal residents by executive order, Bob Dane, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a politically conservative immigration group that seeks to stop most immigration, told Watchdog.org.

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGECould you pass a US citizenship test?
VIDEO Is Obama administration preparing millions of new immigrant IDs?

PHOTOS OF THE DAY Photos of the day 10/21
Specifically, the draft solicitation seeks vendors that can produce a minimum of 4 million cards per year for five years, and 9 million in the early stages – larger than the official estimates of 12 million illegal immigrants in the US.

The draft solicitation “seems to indicate that the president is contemplating an enormous executive action that is even more expansive than the plan that Congress rejected in the 'Gang of Eight' bill,” Jessica Vaughan, an immigration expert at the Center for Immigration Studies and former State Department official, told Breitbart.com.

How likely is it that the rumors are true, and Obama is indeed planning executive action on immigration?

President Obama will go ahead with a “very significant” executive action on immigration after the summer, Senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer told reporters at a Monitor breakfast in July. He added that the action would be so significant it may well trigger impeachment proceedings against the President.


That 34 million number is starting to pop up everywhere. I guess they are all liars.

Isn't it amazing so many got hung up on the title. Could it be they just don't want to discuss what it all means. They could just say so, couldn't they?

But, no. They don't want to discuss what it means. They just want to whine about the title...and it's not even yours. You did right to post the author's title along with your excerpt. It's the right and "fair" thing to do and keeps you in line with the fair use doctrine. :thumbs:

matt wade

Well-Known Member
It's just not worth the effort. What I said was the internet is not exempt from the Fair Use Doctrine and changing the title of an article from which you took an excerpt could put one in violation of that doctrine. I stand by that remark.

Since you don't know what the Fair Use doctrine is, why don't you educate yourself first.

I know exactly what it is. I've held the position of an editor at a major technical publisher. Fair use has nothing to do with creating your OWN forum thread title. There is no requirement ANYWHERE that you can find or reference that says Fair Use or anything else requires that you maintain the article title in any type or form in your forum thread title.
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Well-Known Member
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Then you're going to have to explain away the other news sources that are using the same number. (8 of them at my last count)

That 34 million number is starting to pop up everywhere. I guess they are all liars.

They are all quoting Breitbart. And they are calling it a rumor. So it's only one source, not eight.


Well-Known Member
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I know exactly what it is. I've held the position of an editor at a major technical publisher. Fair use has nothing to do with creating your OWN forum thread title. There is no requirement ANYWHERE that you can find or reference that says Fair Use or anything else requires that you maintain the article title in any type or form in your forum thread title.

You are simply wrong.

So just keep whining about the title. It's not going to change. And there is nothing you can do about it.

Do you have anything of substance to contribute to the subject of the thread? If not, why don't you just move along and find something else to whine about? You could always contact all those news sources to tell them they are lying , if you have the time. That ought to keep you busy for a while. There are about a dozen of them now. There will be more tomorrow.


matt wade

Well-Known Member
You are simply wrong.

You've made the claim, yet you can't back it up. Again I challenge you to back up your statements. You are obviously completely ignorant of what Fair Use is so let me educate you a little bit.

Fair Use is what ALLOWS someone to quote parts of an article, including the title. Nothing in Fair Use prohibits you from writing your own title on your own forum post.

Get it? Fair Use describes what you are legally allowed to copy and paste (since we are talking digital medium here) without getting in trouble. It does not define regulations on what your post is titled on an Internet forum. In fact, there is no law that I am aware of that limits what you can title your post on an Internet forum.

For you to continue to hold the position that you do tells me that you have the Internet savvy of Al Gore.


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You could always contact all those news sources to tell them they are lying , if you have the time. That ought to keep you busy for a while. There are about a dozen of them now.

They are all quoting Breitbart. And they are calling it a rumor. So it's only one source, not dozens.

So you are simply wrong.

Use of Time

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I know exactly what it is. I've held the position of an editor at a major technical publisher. Fair use has nothing to do with creating your OWN forum thread title. There is no requirement ANYWHERE that you can find or reference that says Fair Use or anything else requires that you maintain the article title in any type or form in your forum thread title.

Again, going down the rabbit hole with Carpro is an exercise in futility. He's never going to give you anything to back up his statements. He's going to stick his fingers in his ears and stomp his feet continue to tell you that you are wrong.

matt wade

Well-Known Member
Again, going down the rabbit hole with Carpro is an exercise in futility. He's never going to give you anything to back up his statements. He's going to stick his fingers in his ears and stomp his feet continue to tell you that you are wrong.

That's fine..I have no problem with that. If he wants to continue to look foolish that's fine by me :).